Chapter 1: New Town, New School

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Chapter 1: New Town, New School

Catherine's POV

'Ugh gross another new school.' I thought to my self as I got out of bed. 'Why do we have to move so often? Sometimes I wish dad never joined the navy. Eh, who the hell am I kidding? I love dad's job I'm really proud of him, and I want to follow in his footsteps.' I continue to think to myself, as I get ready.

"Catherine! You're going to be late for your 1st day!" My dad calls up the stairs.

"Coming dad!" I shout back while throwing my hair into a quick bun, and bounding down the staircase.

"Ready, sweetheart."

"Yes, sir" I replied standing a little straighter mocking the standard navy 'attention' stance.

"Well then hop to it sailor."


I walked into the huge white and red building. 'I am about to get so lost.' Surprisingly I was able to find the office fairly quick, although it did help that it was one of the 1st few doors directly inside the front door.

Cautiously I walked into the office.

"Hi!" The overly peppy receptionist, whose desktop name tag identified as Barb, greeted me, "What can I do for you."

"Uhhh... Hi. My name's Catherine Rollins, I'm new today and I jus..."

"Ahh, yes Catherine we've been expecting you. Let me just print out your schedule and a campus map, oh and I'm sure Principle Jacobs would love to meet you."

"Oookay" I said somewhat skeptical.

Just then a student barged through the door labeled 'Principle' behind Barb. He was tall with short dark brown hair, and he was wearing a red and white football jersey with the number 50.

"Mr. McGarrett, all I asked was that you tell me what happened between you and Mr. Kelly." A short woman with glasses and curly auburn hair said as she emerged from the same door.

"And I already told you. I asked coach if I could be starting quarterback for just one game and then Chin just lost his shit." The boy said sternly while turning back to face the older woman who I assumed was Principle Jacobs.

"Mr. McGarrett watch your language and your tone. Do I have to suspend you again."

"No, ma'am." The boy said hanging his head.

"Ok good, now get to class we'll talk more later."

"Yes, ma'am" He said standing straighter and turning and walking away, but when he noticed me he stopped, looked me over, winked, and then left.

'Ugh teenage boys.'

"Mrs. Jacobs." Barb said "Uhm... this is Catherine Rollins, our new student."

"Yes, Catherine come into my office, let's talk." Principle Jacobs said waving me into her office. "Sorry about that we have two quarterbacks and they don't like to get along, but please have a seat. So what brings you to Oahu?" she said as I took a seat.

"Well my dad, has to travel a lot for work so we move around a lot." I replied.

"What does your dad do?"

"He's an Admiral in the Navy."

"Oohh exciting. What about your Mom?"

"My mom died when I was really little, so it's just me and my dad."

"Oh, I sor..."

"Don't be you didn't know." I say interrupting her quickly.

"Ok so anyway let's take a look at your schedule," the principle said while she pulled a copy of my schedule up on the computer and rotated it so we could both see. "Ok so it looks like you have World History, Math, Chemistry, then its lunch, Athletics, English Lit, and Spanish."

"Sounds good."

"And so you don't get lost rooms in the one-hundreds are on the 1st floor, and rooms in the two-hundreds are on the second. After that the lower the number the closer it is to this side of the building."

"Seems easy enough."

"Yep, now let me walk you to your 1st class."

"You really don't hav..."

"Actually I do or your teacher is going to mark you late and Mr. Valdez is very strict on punctuality."

"Oh ok".

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