Chapter 2a: The New Girl

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Chapter 2a: The New Girl

Steve's POV

I enter the cafeteria, and begin making my way towards the table the team normally sits at, but I suddenly remember that Chin's probably still mad at me. I glance around and spot the new girl sitting alone in the corner, 'How does a girl that pretty not have a shit ton of guys surrounding her, oh well better for me.' I think 'Okay what the hell, that totally wasn't like me, neither was winking at her earlier, it's just this girl, I don't know, I just can't be myself around her'.

"What's up, newbie" I say taking a seat across from her 'Why the hell did I just say that' I think to myself. 'I swear I am such an idiot'.

"What do you want?" She replies venomously. 'Ouch. Okay, note self don't piss her off'.

"Ouch. Harsh. I can't just try to be friends with the new girl." 'Okay honestly that was stupid also. What is wrong with me?'

"No." 'Okay this plan, not working. This girl obviously has some incredibly strong walls up'.

"And if I just keep sitting here?" I retort. 'I obviously need to take a class on how to flirt, 'cause this is not going well at all'

"Then you keep sitting there."

"Your really not into the whole friend thing are you?"

"I've lived in like 13 places and I'm only 15, so no I'm not really into the whole friend thing"

"Why did you move so much?"

"Your really nosey aren't you?"

"I resent that statement." I say crossing my arms and placing them on the table.

"Any way," She started, rolling her eyes at me, "My dad's in the navy so we move around a lot."

"That's cool. I've been thinking about joining the academy after high school." 'Okay seriously not impressive, I am totally failing.'

"Cool." She says in a highly uninterested tone, returning her focus to her math work.


After school I walked home, completely alone in my thoughts but even with so many other things to worry about there was only one thing, well person, on my mind: the new girl.

'I'm such an idiot. I can't even get a girls name. I portray my self as this big tough football player but I can't even talk to a pretty girl.' Suddenly my phone buzzed from its place in my pocket, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Steve. I need you to play starting QB for Friday's game. Chin's got to make up a test so his grades stay high enough that he gets to keep playing. - Coach"

I had to re-read the text about 4 times before it clicked: coach was finally letting me be starting quarterback. 'Oh man Chin will probably flip his shit again. Oh well.'

"Okay. Will do coach. I won't let you down I promise."

- Steve

I sent a quick text before letting my mind wander back the new girl.



Very short chapter I know sorry. I really wanted to post something and my friends are very unhelpful people, so I just went with the idea to rewrite last chapter in Steve's POV. Also I have no idea why I put so much of Steve's thoughts into this, I guess it just adds a little context of the plot jumbled up in my brain right now (Okay about half of that sentence wasn't grammatically correct, Oh well LOL).

~Anna Elizabeth

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