Chapter 4

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"You don't look a day over 16, Isabella," I complimented.

"That's because I'm 16," Isabella commented feeling slightly grateful about her age.

Oh right! How could I have forgotten about how old she was? I'm her sister, and I couldn't remember a simple thing like that. I should've known coming here was a terrible idea. Missing out on moments like my sister's birthday ceremonies, and tea parties with mother, and the Winter Ball where... Then again, if I didn't arrive here I would've been considered an intruder never allowed to see my family and thrown out of those moments for the rest of my life.

I had to remember that I was forced here for my sister. I didn't object after arriving because of her. She was my reason for persisting.

"How's mother?" I questioned curiously.

"She's good. Hasn't changed a bit, but unfortunately a slight difference is that she's forgotten about you unlike myself."

"Of course, you haven't forgotten about me explaining why you were panicking that 'some stranger' tried to kidnap you." I laughed sarcastically.

"I wouldn't have thought of you that way if I wasn't under that stupid charisma," she huffed at me, "Speaking of charisma, what in the world was that green goo?"

"How do I put this. That weird green gooey yuck-yuck was what Marcus put in your memory, so you would forget all about me."

Marcus took Isabella away from me, and I won't let him do it again. Not this time. She's my precious little sister, who I had promised to protect even if it was the last thing I'd ever do.

I believed I could've protected her from rats when they were in the kitchen, from monsters when she thought they were under her bed, but from one of the people she cherished the most like a prize... it was difficult to protect her from him. She had to know what he did. Even if it meant that it was going to break her heart.

"Isabella?" I cleared my throat.

"Yes sister?"

"I'm really happy that you found love in your life when you met David."

"Thank you, and I'm so gla-"

"But he's like his brother," I interrupted, "He's a manipulative son of a sword."

"What do you mean?" she tilted her head looking as confused as she was when I explained what puberty meant.

The look on her face was too much to bear for a confession to make. I couldn't tell her the entire truth.

"Long story short, look in the mirror and you'll see what I saw," I explained shortly. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes as I hesitated before chanting "Miroric Abrecala Integri." The mirror went through the wall, which surprised Isabella, before displaying the moment David was at the garden pacing back and forth.

"Why is David in the mirror at our special place? Can he hear us? David!" she shouted with hope that David might save the day like a knight in shining armour. Her knight was nothing, but a twit with only one shining item held in a box.

"Isabella it's just a projection of what happened a few hours ago. So he can't hear you."

She sighed before noticing another person in the mirror. A princess, and not just any princess. It was Elizabeth. The country's biggest maneater of a princess. She was together with him, and the worst part about it was that they were holding hands and lustfully close to each other. It was going to end up worse once they started talking. Few words later, he bent down on one knee showing the diamond ring to Elizabeth.

Looking at Isabella, her smile turned to a frown. After nods coming from Elizabeth, and a great big hug with a kiss from her to him, Isabella couldn't stop shaking her head.

"This is not real. She's mouth-raping him. He's not in love with her. He'd never do this. He-."

"But he did. The mirror never lie," I stated firmly looking down feeling sorry for Isabella. I couldn't see her start crying because that's what she did. I had to be the shoulder she had to cry on. "Are you alright?" She shook her head as she kept her head on my shoulder. It was going to take a while till she felt better.

"I have to go back, and talk some sense to him. Maybe he's doing this because I'm getting married, and-"

"Married? You're getting married?" I interrupted once more.

"First of all, could you quit stopping me from finishing my sentences. Second, it's an arrange marriage. Third, I'm engaged to Prince Philip of Jevonia."

"Wait! An arranged marriage? Our mother would never let that happen... unless 'father' would." We're definitely going back to fix this crisis, and not just getting rid of Marcus." Get ready Marcus 'cause we're coming for you," I thought to myself.

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