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"Once upon a time th-" Nina began before she was interrupted by Isabella.

"No, no, no! Don't start so casual," she told Nina.

Nina rolled her eyes and responded "But that's how all stories start." Isabella went straight to the pianist and requested for a song. Once finished, she walked back to Nina.

"Start the story with this," she said as the music began to play its wonderous, harmonic melody.




"Mother, how many times do I have to repeat my words– I don't want to practice. I have more interests of learning how to fight like father," I explained.

She didn't seem to agree with me, as always, and responded "Why, in the world, would you ever be so interested in... that? Start acting like a princess so that you shall be prepared when you become the new ruler of Weller Kingdom."

I wanted to shout that I hated the sessions, thus becoming queen. Instead, I answered "I know every single thing, and even if I become queen it wouldn't matter."

She wasn't looking at me anymore because she gazed upon the sunset that determined the time of the day. "It's almost time for the Weller Winter Ball."

Hours later, the time has arrived. "Isabella! Why must you be so slow when it comes to changing? Now we might be late to the ball," my mother yelled at me annoyingly.

I made a face without saying another word. "Well it's not my fault," I muttered.

"What was that dear?" my mother asks.

"Nothing" I replied quickly to avoid one of her lectures.

"Then let's get going. You do remember who this ball is for, right?" she asks me whille grinning.

"Yes" I answered while preventing myself from blushing.

"Well then let's get going then. I don't want to be late because of you. You don't want me to end up embarrassing you like the last time at the conference, now do you," she warned rhetorically while pushing me out the door. I swear– sometimes she acts more childish than I do, and I'm only 16. Yes, I'm going to be the next queen of Weller Kingdom, but that doesn't mean I have to act all royal while I'm a princess. Girls just wanna have fun. At least while we still can.

When we made it to the ball, my mom practically danced through the entrance with joy. "Finally! It was getting hot in there," she complained.

"Quit complaining mother. You're a queen, and as a queen you must deal with things like that," I outsmarted her before sticking out my tongue.

"And yet, I'm supposed to be the responsible one, not you... yet, keep yourself quiet and let's go in already." I sighed, but did as she commanded. As we walked in, someone announced our names as we proceeded down the stairs gracefully. As I looked close at the ballroom, I noticed how grand it actually was, since it was my first time in one. I've only actually seen then in paintings, but this ballroom was even more beautiful in person than in paintings. There were many chandeliers like diamonds in the sky. The ceiling design was even beautiful, with colorful artwork of people dancing almost as if Michaelangelo painted it. Overall, standing there felt so magical.

As I got down the last step, I started to wonder where he is.

"Don't worry so much, he'll be here," a voice whispered behind me that made me jump. I turned around, and saw my best friend, Anna. "Hey long time no see," she said while jumping up and down like a freak.

"What are you talking about? I saw you yesterday, Ann," I said giggling. Anna's 16 like me, but only with lots of beauty and kindness even though she can be annoying sometimes. She has stunning blue eyes that go perfectly with her long blonde hair. She usually gets proposed by dashing princes almost everyday, but ends up rejecting all of them for some reason. Thus, some of the guys that popped the question are hot– not oh-he's-pretty-charming-hot, but H-O-T hot. She told me that she has only two princes she has her eyes on, and both men are twins. Their names are Alexander and David, but we'll get to them later.

"What are you talking about? I'm not looking for anyone." I lied looking anywhere, but her eyes that could look through me.

"Sure you're not, but that doesn't matter at the moment. Come on Isabella, let's go show off our moves," she said before dragging me to the middle of the ballroom. Oh lord, I think this girl really is wild when she wants to be.


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Video: Happy by Marina and the Diamonds

Image: Alexandra Chando as Isabella Windfield

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