Chapter 6

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"What do you mean there's already a mantra required to recite?!" I scolded demanding for an answer from Madaleene. Her posture was relaxed like she didn't have a care in the world nor a heavy book on her head for balance. The silky tannish skin looked as soft as a baby's bottom, while her clothes shouted for a fixer-upper from a professional designer. Everything she wore looked handmade designed by yours truly. Although the colorful aztec pattern on her skirt, and the jewelry she had on made her look beautiful, I could've bought them at a flea market.

"That's no way to speak to a friend and the one responsible for that necklace you're wearing," she replied with annoyance.

"What are you talking about? My boyfr- friend that happens to be a boy gave me this necklace as a present after his exploration."

"Does he happen to be dubbed 'David?" she shared as a question, knowing who he is. I felt my heart stop for a second there, and my throat felt cloaked when she said his name. It couldn't be...

"How could you have possibly known it was David? He told me he had a disguise on."

"You just told me so. Despite that, I know a prince when I see one. He was too clean to be a resident of my village. Thus, I've never seen a smile that could spark so bright that it nearly blinded me. When he came inside my shop, I knew it was fate calling for the necklace to be displayed. He didn't find the necklace, but the necklace found him. It began to glow knowing where it will be taken to. That was when I showed him how perfect it would be to buy. Without second thoughts, he paid me an immense amount of coins for what was going to be a gift to you," she explained her side of the story.

"Oh lord! Greedy much? If you new it was going to me, then how come you charge him an expensive price for it."

"I'm a mother of two wonderful children, with a 3rd generation store that was handed down to me by my mother. Plus, it wasn't worth a single coin for him. He just had the heart to pay so much for my family. Therefore, I suggest you keep your lips closed when labeling someone incorrectly," she warned me unsatisfied with my attitude.

"Enough! Get to the point explaining what you're doing here." Nina yelled with her temper rising.

Madaleene nodded her head as an apology before giving Isabella instructions towards what to say to summon her bow.

"Repeat after me: Flamma Arcus Commation," she began before I said it myself. Nothing. "It was supposed to work... But I guess it's true what my mother said: If you don't believe, you won't conceive to achieve."

"Hold up. Mom always told us that? Since when?" Nina asked feeling confused.

"My mother visited the Weller Kingdom once to help out with repairing broken jewelry, and she overheard a conversation with your grandfather and your mother when she was around your age. He advised her that quote, and she told me about it as soon as she arrived home," she smiled, cherishing the memory as if it changed her life. She cleared her throat losing track on her mission. "This doesn't have to do with Isabella not accepting her element."

"How many times do I have to tell you this? Fire is not my element, and it never will be," I barked, sitting down on the chair not wanting to move. I couldn't help but look at my wrist that had a scar on it. Usually, I would wear bracelets to cover, but now was no longer the case since I forgot to wear one. It looked very noticeable to get diverted by, and I optimized for no questions about it.


"Why couldn't you just tell me how you got that scar?" Nina frowned upon, "I'm your sister, and we tell each other everything."

"If I did, you would've lost it. I hate that scar, and I hate fires. Everytime I think about the word 'fire', I just get so... infuriated. You wouldn't understand," Isabella assured her since she was never there when it happened.

"I most certainly do. You see?" she showed Isabella another scroll even longer than the first one, "You're just experiencing the second stage. Anger. As you can see on the theory, the feeling of Anger comes from recalling the incident which supports one's general argument about their grief. For example, my beloved sister told me how the scar ended up on her wrist when she b-" Once more Isabella interrupted her to prevent continuation of the horrendous memo.

"Tune in never-time for one of Nina's 'remarkable' theories that lead to Shakespeare rest from humiliation. Now, let's get back to the story before she starts talking about the next stage." Isabella didn't realize what she claimed until Nina brightened up looking through her theories for the third scroll.

"Speaking of third st-" Isabella zipped Nina's lips.

"Story now. Scroll in a hundred years."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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