Chapter 1

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"Oh Lord help me now!" I thought to myself as Anna was terribly going with the flow. One thing was for sure... she was never a good dancer. Good thing she got the looks.

"Why are you giving me that look Isabella? Don't tell me you hate this song too. How about we-" She didn't get to finish her sentence because she got interrupted by Alexander, Prince of Kingston. "H-H-H-Hi Ale-le-le-lexander. W-W-W-What brings y-y-you here?" she stuttered trying not to faint from the fact her 'true love' was standing so close to her.

"Hello Anna, may I have this dance with you?" he smiled while bowing to her. Before I knew it, I could've sworn her face became as red as my mother's gown. I was surprised she kept her balance this time.

"Sure," she smiled back widely. She curtsied and linked arms with him before walking away together. As they walked, he looked back at me with a wink. That was always his signal for "You're welcome. Now go find him."

As I walked around, I struggled to seek him and I needed a sip of my wine, so I decided to take a sip of my wine. Just as I swallowed the deliciousness, the room looked solid dark from palms covering my eyes. I felt my heart stopped for a moment there. The voice shushed me before I felt lips close to my ear, whispering "Beautiful night, isn't it?"

My heartbeats began to return back to normal speed after hearing the voice. As I was about to spin around, I felt those gentle lips on my neck. I bit my own lips to prevent moaning, and turned around to see him.

"David, you're going to be the death of me if you continue to scare me like that," I warned.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise if I just walked to you and said 'I'm here, stop looking for me,'" he smirked while I gave him a funny facial expression.

"What makes you think you're the guy I was searching?" I questioned putting my cup of wine down and putting both my hands on my hips amused to know what he'll say.

"Well for one thing, I'm a guy. Also, I could've sworn I saw a faint smile on those pretty kissable lips of yours," he smirked. I rolled my eyes slightly laughing.

"Don't flatter yourself David, you know there are plenty of fish in this sea," I walked closer to him.

"But none are the luckiest as I am with you," he walks closer to me. It's a good thing we're wearing masks, and nobody can identify who he is. I was about to walk away before he held my hand, and apologized before asking me to dance.

We slowly walked to the other dancers of the ballroom, and began to waltz like our first dance we had 2 years ago. We tried not to get too close at first since it was too risky, but failed when we had our first kiss at the hedge maze. That was how our love for each other began to grow.

"Why does our relationship have to be so exclusive?" I asked quietly.

He sighed, wishing he never knew the answer to that. "You know why Isabella..." He looked at me with those serious eyes of his. I looked down sadly. He must've noticed my sadness because he lifted my chin with his finger and wiped a tear that poured out of my eye, which I didn't notice. "I have another surprise for you, but I can't give it to you here. Can we meet at our special place?"

How could I say no to him? "Sure, just let me be certain that my mother isn't eavesdropping nor watching us," I told him before seeing him walk out of the ballroom few seconds later.

"Isabella!" I heard my mother shout my name. I turned around seeing my mother walk towards me with a bright smile on her face. "Your father has arrived with the guest."

When she said that, I gave her a confused look wondering what she was talking about. Wasn't David the guest of honor? "Who's the guest mother?" I asked.

"It's your... future husband!" she sang very harmonic. My what?! Future husband?! Before I got to say something, my father and 'future husband' approached us.

"Isabella, it is my honor to introduce you to the guest, and your future husband, Prince Phillip of Jevonia," my father greeted, "Phillip, this is my lovely daughter you shall marry." Why am I finding out this now? This cannot be happening, I thought to myself.

"Greetings my lady, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Phillip said bowing down and kissing my hand. The kiss felt as disgusting as a breed licking my hand. I felt like I was going to gag on his shoes purposely.

"The pleasure is all mine, but I'm feeling a little woozy. May I be excused for tonight? I need some fresh air," I asked my parents.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Phillip asked. I wanted to shout for him to go back to where he came from and marry another aristocrat; however, as much as I was willing to do that, I shook my head politely while waiting for my parents to excuse me. Finally, my mother allowed me to go.


I had to get to David as soon as possible. I didn't know whether I was going to scream and shout or end up in tears, but I just knew that I needed to be in David's arms for comfort. I needed David."David!" I called out for him to hear as I ran through the hedge ma ze, "Where are you?" I stopped at the fountain waiting for him to come there. Soon, he made it to me before realizing tears bursted out of my eyes.

"Isabella, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked with concern, "Was it that I didn't make it here before you?"

I shook my head and ran to him before being hugged, "No, it's not you. It's me- I'm going to get m-m-mar-mar-"

"Sh... you don't have to say it. I think I know what you're trying to say," he stopped me in order for me to not sob.

"No, I have to say it. I'm get married... to Prince Phillip," I finished. He sucked in a breath and held on to me tightly for a minute before letting me go, and I was certain he had a furious reaction with his fists clenched turning as white as the snow. He and Phillip have been arch-enemies since day one, even their fathers are very competitive with each other. Usually, David gets better things than him, but this time it was Phillip that got the one thing David couldn't get: marrying me.

"Are you okay David?" I asked looking concerned. I knew telling him was going to end up that way, but the surprising part was that he didn't punch anything. He just kept holding me closer to him than ever.

"Yes, but first I need to give you the surprise. I bought you a gift while I was away in Europe. When I saw it, I knew that it would be perfect for you. Even the woman, who sold it to me, agreed," he said.

He reached into his pocket and took out one of the most elegant accessories I ever laid my eyes on. I gasped, seeing how lovely it looked. It had gold chain with a real ruby gem in the middle. I wonder how much he spent on it. Hundreds? Thousands? "It's beautiful," I smiled with tears of joy.

"I'm glad you like it. Would you like me to put it on you?" he asked hoping I'd say yes. I did, and I turned around for him to put the necklace on me. When he finished, I observed the gem feeling happier than ever before.

"Thank you David," I said as I hugged him. As soon as I looked into his hazel eyes, we leaned in for a kiss.

All of a sudden, we heard a noise... of someone laughing. We looked around before realizing we should've looked up because there seemed to be a strange black hole above us from where the laugh came from.


Once again, thank you all for reading this book and continuing to do so. It's very appreciative, and it makes us happy to write more chapters to the book. Keep reading, and please comment, vote, and follow.

Video: Stars As Our Witness by Chid Mike (Beautiful song, and Lola Bey's favorite acoustic love song.)

Image: Gregg Sulkin as David Kingston

The Chosen Elementals (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن