Milas Pizza

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You walk to The kitchen and See a piece of Bacon Pizza on a plate on't be Counter.You smile happily and sit Down Onto The Counter and Start to eat The piece of Pizza when your sister Mila walks in with her bandmates.She stares at you"Y/N!!!that was My Pizza!!!"she yells and you start Running while she is chasing you.The other Four Girls giggle.Mila Grabs you and carries you to The Couch and tickles you"Mila stop!"You giggle.She laughs"i won't stop Till You say Mila i am so Sorry That i ate your pizza,i will buy you a New One!"She says and you shake your head no.She continues to tickle you and After ten more minutes your Sides hurt and you give up"Mila i am Sorry that i ate your pizza and i will buy you a New One."you say.Camila smiles and stops.

Two hours later you and The Five Girls eat Pizza while you all watch The First Season of Modern Family.

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