Ever After

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Your POV

Pearl and Amythyst bad-mouthing her really set her off.
She had now activated the injector to its full power. The earth was dying; and there was nothing you could even do about it.
The thing that made you feel worse was none of this anger was geared towards you.
Spinel seemed to avoid getting you involved with the fight.
You watched the fight, Garnet reform, everything.
You felt completely useless, out of place.

The fight was over soon enough, and the diamonds took Spinel away. You cried. You didn't want her to leave, you could relate to her too much to do so.

"Spinel." you called before she jumped on White's hand. She looked back at you as you yelled cheerfully, "I CAN RELATE! USE THE DIAMOND CALL IF YOU EVER WANT TO TALK! I UNDERSTAND?!" she offered you a smile as she hopped on and was abducted.

"What was that about?" Steven asked, clasping you into one of his warm hugs. "I was abandoned for sixteen years before I met you." you explain as your smile falls, "She and I are a lot similar than you think, Steven."

You looked around. Everyone's String was back to normal; but you never knew what triggered you to do so. You were just thankful.

So, that's how the journey ends.

A Happily Ever After.
Once and for all.

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