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Douma laughed at the way in superior's face flushed into a deep pink. Though, he enjoyed it a little. It was a nice pink. It was reddish, passionate, and it blended perfectly with Kokushibo's skin. It even mixed with his personality! How was not something to adore?

"I am your superior, you do not speak to me like that." Kokushibo's blush faded, leaving Douma a little dumbfounded.

"Chill down! I was just joking Kokushibo-dono!" Douma laughed, he could read people like a book and learned that sometimes people blush when they're flirted with, even if they're not interested, because it flatters them, the world was weird like that.

Frankly, he appreciated the taller demon's attempt to befriend him. Though, he probably wanted something out of it, therefore it was best to not let himself get attached so easily. Despite himself, he impulsively let his gaurd down, if for a second. What about Kokushibo made his body feel emotionally safe?

Either way, it didn't matter, he was glad to be able to even speak. They spent the rest of the night talking.

Douma observed his face closely, trying to spot any kind of uncertainty or annoyance, though he found none. Despite the fact that he could read Kokushibo just as well as everyone else, he couldn't find any signs of Kokushibo regretting coming to his place. Though he did get distracted at times when Kokushibo blushed from compliments.

It wasn't like when the girls at his cult blushed, it was blended perfectly with his pale skin while being fairly visible. Even women from the Edo era didn't blush as prettily as he did. Considering they were in the Meiji era, that was a great compliment.

'Whoever eventually might win him over would be lucky to get to see him blush everyday, if he ever gets a partner' Douma acknowledged Kokushibo wasn't the type to be interested in relationships. He had a feeling he was Demiromantic, which he found funny because that would mean Kokushibo was on the aromantic spectrum just like him, who was Cupioromantic.

Either way, he liked the way Kokushibo blushed, maybe he should get him to blush more often. The passionate shade dusting the man's face in just the perfect spot between his lower and middle eyes. Their conversation was full of little compliments, with Kokushibo being the receiving end.

"Since when were you so teasing and flirty Douma.." Kokushibo mumbled spitefully. To which Douma only said, "Ever since our beautiful selves existed, of course!"

It probably wasn't quite the shock form Kokushibo to know Douma was flirty. He expected Kokushibo could anticipate so, probably thinking something like, 'expected nothing less from him', but he wanted, pretty obviously, for Douma to let his gaurd down at least a little before he left. The result? He asked something that made Douma feel even safer than when he blushed.

"Can we...be friends? Sort of?" He probably wasn't nothing more than a giggle and a fake smile saying of course. Maybe even a hug, but what happened instead happened truely out of Douma's impulseness. "Yea, I'd actually quite like that. Thanks." Douma shrugged, despite his previous remarks, he actually didn't really see the problem with his actions. Such usually caused consequences that he felt rage towards, due to his indecisive mind.

Douma watched the older man's face shifted into a surprised yet happy one. "It was...a nice chat, I'll see you later...Douma." And with that, Kokushibo slipped through the open window and dissapeared into the night.

Douma slipped into the room of one of his least favorite followers and carefully froze her mouth shut, making her wake up from the cold. Douma carefully picked her up, ignoring the muffled panicking coming from the woman.

He took her to the basement, which none of his followers were allowed, for obvious reasons. There, he simply sliced her head off, put the body and head down, turned to one of the other corpses, and defrosted it to eat.

He hoped this woman with live a happy life through the within his body, atleast his followers never left him! Ever, really.

After enjoying his meal, he slowly walked up the stairs and closed the door. Walking back to the door to go out and hunt.

As he snuck around the forest, his mind wandered back to making friends, the thoughts of the women he consumed, etc. There was always plenty to think about, but no matter what, he was always bored. There was always nothing going on and there was just something he needed. He needed something...entertaining. What better place to find something entertaining than the Entertainment District itself? It was time to cause some drama. It was pretty chummy.

He dashed to the entertainment district, straight to the house he knew Daki worked at. Knocking on the door, he watched as one of the women opened the door. Plastering his best smile, he spoke happily, "Hello! May I speak with the Orion?"

"For what reason?" The woman asked, clearly skeptical about a random man coming to the house to visit the Orion. Douma, who was quite glad he had it, pulled out his charm, "I'm a good friend of her! Just call her over here so I can prove it!" He crouched a littlke to look at the worker woman with his undeniable charm.

"Oh! Of course sir! L-let me go get her!" Douma chuckled as the woman ran in to get Daki.

Apon seeing Daki, Douma ran up to her. "Hihi Daki!" Douma smiled, holding out his arms for a hug, which Daki accepted.

Now for the drama. "So, Ume, what's been happening?" Douma asked, a simple question that was enough to get her rialed up. "Hah!? That's DAKI to you! You know that's not my name anymore!" Daki screamed, allowing everyone in the house to hear. "My apologies! I have to go back to my place before the sun come up! Tootaloo Daki!" Douma smiled, before dashing out of the house and through the bustled crowd, into the night.

The drama was insufficient, sure, but he got something. Either way, he had to get away from the sun anyways.



Just to clear up, as of now, they don't have feelings for each other! They just find each other interesting and attractive! I will probably make them actually start falling in love by chapter 4 or 5
Thanks for reading!

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