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"I have romantic interests in you, are you interested Kokushibo-dono~?"

As soon as those words left Douma's perfect lips, Kokushibo just couldn't help but accept. Douma was a beauty. A real sight to behold, but not only that, Douma had both valuable advice and made perfect company for the quiet, asocial upper one.

"It would be in my best interest to accept this." Kokushibo responded emotionally. He knew he probably didn't look emotional at all, but he felt emotional, and he knew Douma could tell. That was all that seemed to matter to him, which was beyond himself. Though, who was there to judge him?

"Splendid! So how shall we spend the rest of our time together Kokushibo-dono~?" Douma clasped his hands together as if he had just received an easy task. Kokushibo just slowly blinked at him, "Just call me Kokushibo...or whatever else you'd like to call me."

"Awwweee, that's so sweet of you Darling~!" Douma winked at him, his face inches away from him. He debated whether or not to give Douma a quick peck, but decided against it.

Unfortunately the happiness was short lived as Kokushibo came to a realization. Kibutsuji Muzan. Their lord. The man that was disgusted with change and weakness.

"How will Master react to this information, Douma?" Kokushibo's expression remained blank, though he was the slight bit anxious. Kibutsuji would not be happy with knowing that two of his most powerful demons have joined forces in the form of a romantic relationship.

He knew Muzan would've trusted him. After all, Kokushibo was the only being Muzan saw as right below him if not equal in terms of status. Douma on the other hand, for all his beauty, was Muzan's least favorite demon. The demon king saw him as annoying, shameless, and unloyal. The only reason Douma was still alive to this day was because of his unique DNA having the possibility of conquering the sun and his unique 'level up' speed.

Muzan would indefinitely not accept this. Not because of homophobia, nor because of other issues. Anyone who knew him would now why. Muzan barely accepted their friendship. The Kibutsuji man was never open to demons forming bonds in fear of them teaming up to defeat him. Especially Douma. Douna feared nothing, so it was always a huge nuisance to get him to do as much as listen.

Kokushibo's concerns were answered quickly. "Ahh, who said that anyone else had to know~? If you don't want them to know, then they don't have to~ The only person who even knew we were friends was master~ and he thinks I'm straight as bamboo~!"

Kokushibo blinked a little. Douma was right, no one ever needed to know. It would be their little secret, and all because all the others were too busy Misunderstanding Psychopathy to notice.

Kokushibo, lost in thought, felt a warm, soft sensation on his lips, which were well kept, but certainly cold. It took him a solid minute to realize Douma was kissing him, patiently waiting for a response.

Kokushibo's face flushed with color, but he shoved Douma away. He would be the world's biggest fraud if he said he didn't enjoy it to a marveling degree, but he just..wasn't prepared to kiss back.

Douma seemed to take the hint, resorting to holding his hand instead. Douma Hashibira. His inferior, now lover, was holding his hand. Kokushibo was already smitten, resorting to staring at him in unnoticeable awe.

Kokushibo was never one to overthink, he was never one to think at all in fact. Though here he was, thinking as far from small dates to how Douma's name would sound if they ever managed to get married. Douma Tsugikuni. It actually sounded quite nice..

This was perfect. They could continue as normal, go out together, etc. Not a single soul had to know.

"Moshi moshi~ Darling~?"

Kokushibo was snapped out of his thoughts almost immediately by the sound of Douma's voice calling to him like a melody. "Yes Douma?" He responded, his face warmer than Douma's lips, which was kind of ironic considering that his blood demon art was ice.

"The sun is rising, would you like to stay with me tonight~?" Douma asked, his kaleidoscope eyes shimmering despite the lack of sunlight. "Alright, lead the way," he responded, he had already forgotten the way back. Oh lord Muzan..Just what was Douma doing to him.


The run back felt majestic, something out of a cheesy romance novel. As the sun rose slowly, Douma's platinum blonde hair flowed in the wind like snow.

By the time they made it back, it was just before the sun made it past the trees.

Douma dragged Kokushibo through the hallways as if it was like he'd never been there before. He latched onto Douma's hand and squeezed as if he would be effected by the sun once he let go

Douma squeezed back affectionately, smiling as he dragged him back to the room.

Koku shut the door behind him, allowing Douma's mask to fall. The happy hums that left Douma's lips fell silent. Believe it or not, Kokushibo actually preferred him this way. Douma was just right to him. Of course, Douma didn't mind Kokushibo seeing him like this, which was a surprise in itself.

They both slipped into the pile of pillows, hand in hand. Unusually enough, Kokushibo fell asleep.


Sure enough, the Uppermoon one was wide awake. Douma was staring at him, looming over him, expressionless, "Goodnight Darling," Douma's bittersweet speach alone slipped straight to his heart like butter. He was already head over heels, was that too much? Too gay? Who knew, it definitely wasn't acceptable in Japan to be gay. Hell if he was still human, PDA would get lead him behind bars, but he wasn't human, he could do as he pleased.

Which was why he answered back with full dedication, "Hello, my love," Kokushibo mumbled, allowing a smile to tug on his boyfriend lips, accompanying a low chuckle.

God how great this was going to be.



Thank you guys for the support! I really appreciate it, so take them finally getting together, and for your information, the ending is already fully planned. Except about 7 more chapters

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