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Without warning, Kokushibo finds himself in the infinity castle. Which was odd, since he was just there a few hours ago to be lectured by Muzan. What oddity has happened that Muzan felt the need to announce it now? Kokushibo shook his head, speeding off to his original spot where he shall wait for Douma, Muzan, and the others to arrive.

Surprisingly enough, when Nakime has announced the arrival of the Kibutsuji man himself, there was only the top 3 uppermoons, along with Kokushibo's tsuguko, Kaigaku and of course, Nakime.

They observed Muzan as he shook his head in utter disbelief, or disappointment. Kokushibo wasn't really sure which one, but he had no thoughts in his head at the moment anyway. "Uppermoon 4 and 5 were defeated the day before. How disappointing, suppose their pride got the better of them."

Kokushibo glanced at the others. Kaigaku seemed like he could snicker at that, which was ironic since Kaigaku hasn't even been a demon long enough for Muxan to give him a name, he should be at least the slightest bit concerned. Meanwhile, Akaza scoffed.

Granted, Kokushibo has always respected Akaza's desire for strength, it was an ideal they shared. Though now, Kokushibo had a subconscious desire to slice off his head right then. No, he shouldn't let his emotions get in the way of him. Yoriichi was long dead and Akaza, Douma, and himself have nothing to worry about.

Douma, on the other hand, merely looked up at Muzan with that same twisted smile that immediately could show you just what was wrong with him. "Aren't you very prideful as well, master?" Muzan froze, with eyes that flashed with anger, Muzan shot an anatomically incorrect, bloodied appendage out at the platinum blonde, slapping his head off messily. "Do not speak to me with such foul language mannerisms, Upper 2. You are lucky I gave you the name you never had and I expect you to respect me."

Douma only giggled, regenerating his head. "Whatever you say, moon man!" He chirped, continuing to bow his head. Kokushibo shook his head, looking back up at his master. "So, Muzan-sama..have you thought about replacements? I am aware you have been busy, though I also am aware that we haven't made the necessary accommodations."

Muzan nodded, crossing his arms. "At least you are partially reliable, Kokushibo. Yes, I have decided that Nakime will gain the title of Uppermoon 4, while Kaigaku will gain the title of Uppermoon 6." Nakime looked up, Kokushibo couldn't see her, but he would guess that she's surprised. They got along okay, and he could sense it in the air.

He heard Nakime stutter, before the room was silent again. Kaigaku was about to jump up and cheer, but Kokushibo quickly gripped his haori to stop him.

Muzan shook his head, using another fleshy appendage to reach and stab into Kaigaku's head, breaking skin and beginning to pump blood into him. Once Kaigaku's eyes formed the Kanji, Muzan retracted the tentacle. Kaigaku gagged at the feeling, coughing aggressively before healing quickly. Kokushibo supposed he would just have to get used to the pain.

Supposedly out of respect for having her serve useful to him for many years, Muzan approached Nakime to spare her the pain. Kokushibo glaced over as Nakime hesitantly placed her biwa on the surface of the infinity castle before holding out her hands. Muzan lengthened his nails, making a fist and breaking skin as coiling blood oozed out of his wound and dripped into the biwa woman's hands. "I am sure you remember the procedure, Nakime. Remember, do not waste a single drop." The woman nodded, leaning a little to sip the blood.

Kokushibo looked away, turning his attention back to Douma, who was smiling at Akaza in a friendly way. Akaza did not reciprocate this friendliness however, as Douma was soon met with a fist to the jaw. Kaigaku just stared at Kokushibo, as is questioning what they were supposed to do. Kokushibo shook his head, slicing Akaza's fisted hand off in one swift motion. "Akaza. We have been over this many times. Even in sub-meetings, you do not disrespect the hierarchy." Akaza grumbled like a child. "I will kill you." Kokushibo hummed as he listened to the sound of Nakime sipping Muzan's blood. He knew that if he were to die anytime soon, it would not be from Akaza.

"Muzan-sama? How come no one is replacing Gyokko-dono?" Douna piped up, laying on his stomach and kicking his legs, similar to a child working on the floor. Muzan returned to his platform. "I have my own reasons for that, Upper 2. Upper 4." Nakime didn't reply for a solid minute or two, before remembering that was her now and strummed her biwa, allowing Kokushibo to find himself back in Douma's prayer room.

Douma was sitting beside him, notably annoyed, but just letting out a content sigh before laying over and curling himself into Kokushibo's lap once more. "Koibito, it's a shame Gyokko-dono isn't being replaced, isn't it?" Kokushibo blushed at the pet name. The last person to call him that before the aforementioned platinum blonde was is wife as a human, whom he had abandoned.

"Perhaps, now there are only 5 upper moons. It is unclear to me why Master skipped 5 and put my student under the title of Upper 6, though I suppose it is best to not question the master." Kokushibo replied, speaking formally as usual. The change in recent lingo was...exasperating, to say the least. So along small prices to pay for immortality.

Instead of learning it all, he simply decided that he would learn it enough for newer demons to understand him. Douma, on the other hand was only around 190-240 by now, so he didn't have to learn much. Though, Koku was sure he'd face the same issues in another century or so.

"Mm, you're right as always, Koibito!" Douma broke Kokushibo out of his small immortality crisis with a quick kiss, warm and cold, eclipse and moon. How fitting for the 2 demons.

Who knew that the future had in store for them..


A/N: I probably won't update again until season 4 comes out- Yeah I know the events of the manga because of spoilers, but I'm an anime only because I'm lazy- Also I start school tomorrow-

Small spoiler/leak:

The future is bittersweet..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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