The Story Of A Blossoming Rose

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"Tonight we dine as the leaders of our race after the passing of our master! We will live on unchanging and undying, doing what we please and protecting what we hold dear! For we are the master vampires, the ten sired by our late master the great Arl Von Black!" Scarlet Rose, circa The Master's Banquet.

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Inhuman Speech

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect

Now, we move on to the start of the true story of this book.

The beginning of The Bloodied Rose's long and tragic story.

A story of how a girl was lost in a tide of events she had been swept up in, drowning in a tide colored scarlet.

Let's begin, shall we?


Red. That was all that swam in the vision of the girl no older than five. She had bright silver eyes and black hair with crimson tips. The child's face was filled with fear, awe, and confusion as she drifted on the ocean of red.

The liquid she floated on was red, the sky was red, and everything was a radiant hue of the color. It was blinding to look at for too long, really, so the girl closed her eyes for a few seconds to rest her aching eyes.

Eventually, she opened them again to see the same sight as before, a vast ocean of flowing red liquid. Waves crashed against each other in the distance, spraying the splashing liquid high into the air.

 Waves crashed against each other in the distance, spraying the splashing liquid high into the air

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So many shades of the color bathed the girl as she drifted endlessly. The girl was scared of where she was as the currents pulled her this way and that, drifting her along in the infinite ocean of vibrancy.

Every so often, she would hear a whisper that turned to a cry. The maker of the cry sounded desperate and anguished. It happened every twenty seconds, with each time it happened, the cry got more desperate in tone.

Fear gripped the girl as a towering wave rose into the sky not far from her. The currents pulled her towards the colossal wave that soon hit her. Bubbles of white flooded past the girl's lips as she was pulled under the waves of Scarlet, her breath robbed from her as she sank father into the ocean of Crimson.

Blackened decayed hands rose from the endless depths towards her. Terror gripped her heart as the hands drew closer and closer to her. Ten seconds passed before the first hand gripped her small calf in its grasp, pulling her father into the depths of Scarlet.

A Bloodied Rose Lost In Undeath: RWBY Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now