Wilted Awakening

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"Desire is what fuels us vampires. When you get forever to live, you tend to do what you find fun or fulfilling to keep going." Mishi Dorn, Circa the first turning of the Mishi line.

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Inhuman Speech

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect

This chapter is pretty much a lore dump, so be warned there is a ton you will have to learn about my created vampires.

Also this is a mega chapter, I hope will like this long read!


Ruby Rose shot up from where she lay in a panic, her hands clutching where the thug leaders bullet had blown open her chest. Her breathing was fast and quick, and strangely enough, she didn't feel a single drop of sweat on her body. In fact, she felt stronger than she ever had before.

'What the hell happened?! I should be dead right now!' Ruby thought as she soon lifted her hand to her chest.

That's when she finally noticed.....her heart was completely still in her chest. There was not a single heartbeat that rocked her chest. Panic began to overwhelm her again. She was definitely dead without a heartbeat, so why the hell was she still alive?

Getting up from where she laid and trying not to have any more of a panic attack, Ruby noticed she could see clearly around what seemed to be a very dark crypt. She was laid upon a large altar set in the middle of the room.

Alcoves lined the walls, and a large artificial light shone down from the ceiling, but it only illuminated the center of the room, leaving much of the room in darkness. Strangely enough, though, Ruby could see everything around her without a problem.

Water dripped from holes in the roof, hitting the moldy floor with very loud |Plip's!|. Cracks were dotted upon the carved surface of the floor, evidence that this place was extremely old.

Columns of stone rose up from the floor to the ceiling in certain areas. Spider web's covered most of everything, with large brown hairy spiders walking on the webs. Intricate handmade detailing was carved on the walls, pillars, ceiling, and everything really. 

A set of stairs led from the altar upwards, leading to what seemed to be the exit of this place. Bones were stacked into alcoves, and funerary urns littered the floor, bringing Ruby a sense of morbid humor on how she was dead, yet still alive, and now surrounded by the bones of long dead people.

She was certainly in a crypt below a church, and that much was blatantly obvious, but how did she get here? Even more importantly, how in the blazes did she survive an extremely high caliber bullet to the chest and live?

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She was certainly in a crypt below a church, and that much was blatantly obvious, but how did she get here? Even more importantly, how in the blazes did she survive an extremely high caliber bullet to the chest and live?

A Bloodied Rose Lost In Undeath: RWBY Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now