Part 1 "The New One."

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König sat impatiently at a table in what appears to be a gathering room that was once quiet, but it's filled with soldiers now. He is quite unsure of where he is because that was not important to his train of thought right now.

Horangi- his Korean coworker and good friend within KorTac, sat opposite of the table, being observant of others within the room but mainly focuses on his giant friend. "I'm sure she is fine, König. You need to relax before others notice your uneasiness." Worry spreads in Horangi's voice.



König watched in horror as an enemy tank showed up near the same building that Y/n was in with her squad. His heart pounded in his chest from sudden adrenalin. "They have a tank near Bravo 4! Get out of there!" He shouts into the comms while running along the flat roof tops, the tank fired into the building before it was blown up by a rocket.

He witnessed as soldiers poured out of the building. "Wait, where's Y/n!? She was right behind us!" One of the soldiers shouted out in the comms as they started taking fire. König threw a grenade at the incoming enemy group, wiping them out before jumping down the building and running to Y/n's squadron 2 of which were missing, noticing the one solder had two dogtags in hand.

König stood before the group, pointing to his right briefly before running into the building they were in. "Lauf voraus! Ich werde sie finden!"(Run ahead! I'll find her!) He shouted over the gunfire unknown that the group didn't know german. Upon entering the building, he looked around frantically and shouted out your name in hopes you'd respond to him.

Once he found you, he froze, unsure if you were dead or not. König kneeled beside you, checking for your pulse. It was weak, but it was there. He sighed in some relief but checked you over, noticing that you were hit badly by debris, your side was gushing out blood, and your skin was getting pale. His eyes looked down into yours as he lifted you up to carry you to safety.



König's leg was bouncing continuously, seemingly stuck in his own mind, not acknowledging Horangi's words or even the existence of anyone in the room, for that current moment. He thinks back when he saw Y/n laying back flat on the floor and her body covered in blood... they brought a tank into that area, and she almost died being fired at and miraculously missed her but suffered damage from debris. "Scheiße-"(shit) König curses softly at himself. Hearing the other soldiers speak about the mission was not putting him in a good spot either.

His social anxiety was reaching its boiling point, especially when the soldiers spoke about him. "I've never seen such a mountainious of a man run from battle hahah-" One soldier spoke and was cut short as the other back hand slapped their shoulder. "Hey! He'll hear you, then you're in deep shit and I won't save you if that *mountainious of a man* comes after you... shut up before he gets angry."

König tilted his head in the direction of the soldiers he heard talking, side eyeing them, which gave him the satisfaction of their mood change into fear and leave his sight. Horangi got up with a stretch and a somewhat playful bump on Konig's shoulder. "I'm beat, my friend. Tomorrow, we can do some training if you're keen, of course. Don't stay up too late." He watched his friend leave the room seemingly to go to sleep.

Feeling many eyes watching, he shot up from his seating position which grabbed almost everyone's attention, he quickly left the room heading to his quarters, but first made a pitstop at the medical bay to check up on Y/n. He hated all the eyes on him. He hated being 6'10... it just added to the staring from others, which just boosted his anxiety, but he hid it well.

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