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AN: This chapter was previously published as chapter 22. Please reread Chapter 22 as this issue has been resolved. Nothing has changed about this chapter so no need to reread this one.


"She's the moment the rain stops and the sun comes out, lighting up the sky with color, and everything smells new and fresh." - Consider Me


Every man had a downfall. Mine was a 5'11'' woman who had a penchant for high heels and attitude. I might have been the king but my power had no reign over her. She was my equal in every way.

Guess my nickname for her wasn't too far off base.

As I mingled with the different alphas I noticed how crazy in love all of them seemed. It was pretty sickening to look at, but now that I had met my own mate it made more sense. Not enough for me to want to try it out but enough to understand better.

Currently, I stood in front of Zane De Luca who had to be the grumpiest person here. His eyes were blank and his face was annoyed the entire time he listened to the alpha of River Valley drone on about his pack's latest ventures. The only time I saw his face show any happiness was when his mate joined his side.

"Where have you been, Alessandra?" he asked.

"Talking to Aashni! Goddess, I love that woman. Did you see her dress? I talked to Taaran too. He wants to stop by someday and see the practice."

"Of course he did," Zane grumbled.

Alessandra rolled her eyes but a small smile played on her lips. Zane pulled her into his chest and they stood like that for the rest of the conversation. It was odd how in sync they seemed.

"Man, Aashni is something else. I've been going crazy since the new Werewolves of Sin issue was released. I would do anything for that woman," one of the unmated alphas said.

I could feel my wolf growling inside me, waiting to be let out so he could rip out the man's neck.

"That outfit she wore was genius!" the woman said.

Even when she wasn't here I couldn't escape her. If it wasn't one of the attendees talking about her then it was her scent enchanting my nose. My entire body was locked tight and for once it wasn't to control my beast but rather to control my wolf. He'd only uttered one word so far but that was still a feat in and of itself. Despite his silence, his presence was strong. If I slipped a little, I knew he wouldn't wait to mark her.

"My king, you must have seen the issue as well!" the alpha of River Valley said.

"Actually, I heard they ran out of copies in Wolfhelm!" Alessandra said.

"Wow! She must be really popular here. I bet everyone in Wolfhelm bought one."

The stacks of magazines in my study say otherwise.

"It was lovely speaking to you all but I must be going now. Enjoy the rest of your night," I said with a dazzling smile that I had learned to perfect when I was five years old.

It slipped off the second I turned around. Most people would get to see the charming king but I wondered how many knew it was all an act.

I weaved my way through crowds of people oohing and awing about my suit or my hair or my eyes and tried to give them all a nod of acknowledgment. Some women tried to make more conversation with me but they didn't know that I was on my way to see a woman who would probably prefer to see me with duct tape strapped to my mouth. Eventually, I realized that niceties weren't going to get me anywhere so I powered through the crowd and made it out in a couple of seconds. There are perks of being taller and buffer than everyone else.

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