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"And I will kiss every single scar on your body and soul, to remind you that love doesn't have to hurt." -Ginnie Bale



"Raiden! You have to try this, mhm, it's stronger than last time," Mahreen whispered in my ear. Her arms were draped around my neck as she sat on my lap. She held up the silver spoon and waited for me to snort the light blue powder.

I followed her lead and let the high overtake me. It was a rush followed by a deep calm that I had only experienced with the drug. Vaguely, I could feel Mahreen's lips press against my neck as she sunk down onto me. I held onto her as she moved her hips and slowly I lost myself in her body and jheralon.

Somewhere in my mind, I recalled the meeting I was supposed to attend regarding the poverty-stricken villages on the outskirts of Wolfhelm. I couldn't find it in myself to care.

Four pairs of brown eyes bore into me

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Four pairs of brown eyes bore into me. None of the Oberois were nearly as tall as me but somehow their combined scathing looks were enough to make me feel small. Granted, I could hardly blame them. If I had a daughter or sister that was mated to a man that had disappeared for years, was quite older than her (Sort of? Does it count if you black out for most of the time?), and looked like he could carry mountains, I would be pissed too. In fact, I was almost certain that the tallest of them was ready to rip my neck out at any given moment. I was betting that he was the oldest brother.

"I'm sorry, did you say mate?" Aashni's mother said.

"Yes. This is Raiden, my mate. Raiden, this is my mom, Aradhya, my dad, Chandra, and my brothers, Taaran and Rivan."

"Pleasure to meet you all," I said, though it sounded more like a grunt.

Aashni sent me a look that said try harder.

For her sake, I plastered on the charming smile I reserved for galas and balls.

"Are you guys hearing what I am hearing?" Taaran whispered.

"I don't like him," Rivan stated.

Well then.

"Well I guess she'll be safe with him, he is the king after all," Taaran responded.

"Yeah, but there's something off about him," Rivan said.

"Okay! He is literally standing right here. In front of you. And he is your king," Aashni said with a forced smile and anger.

"They are just looking out for you, gudiya," Chandra said with a soft smile.

It was hard to look at the man considering what he did but it was insanely obvious that he loved his daughter.

"No worries. I understand completely. Aashni and I actually have something to discuss with you all that might calm your worries," I declared.

"Yeah, so, we decided that we are just going to pretend to be mates for the people. We both aren't looking for a relationship and neither of us has much faith in the mate bond so what's the point?" Aashni rushed out.

There was a beat of silence before Aradhya spoke up.

"Aashni? What is the meaning of this?" Aashni's mom asked.

"Look we both have our reasons for not wanting to pursue this relationship okay? Let's just leave it at that for now," Aashni replied, unable to look her parents in the eye.

To put it mildly, her parents looked heartbroken. It didn't take a genius to connect the dots and see that Aashni's reluctance for a mate stemmed from her parents' failed relationship. Her brothers picked up on the tension radiating from her and suggested they head back home.

"Will you be staying here?" Aradhya asked.

"Yeah. You can all visit whenever and I plan to be in Manhattan a lot."

"You're going to stay in this place with this man you hardly know?" Rivan questioned.

"Well, actually we do know each other. We just didn't know we were mates when we met," Aashni answered.

"And you trusted him then?"


"Then, I'll trust your judgment. If anything happens to her, I don't care if your are the king or the pope, I will string you up like meat," Rivan threatened, his index finger pointing right at me.

"Rivan!" Arahdya and Aashni reprimanded.

If this was anyone other than Aashni's family then I would have already cut his tongue out by now, but I understood his concern even if it was unnecessary. I would never let anything happen to Aashni, even if she was a huge pain in the ass.

"She'll be taken care of. I give you my word," I told him. He huffed, not quite believing me but at least he wasn't threatening me. It wouldn't go well the second time.

Aashni hugged her family goodbye and a guard escorted them out. She turned to face me and tiredness seeped from each of her pores.

"So, anything else to discuss your highness?"

"When the time for us to mark each other comes, we'll fake it."

Confusion danced on her features.

"Fake it?"

"We'll find a way. The palace has access to countless witches. It will look like we bear marks and other werewolves will believe that you hold royal power. If we mark each other, it'll become too real."

"I guess you're right."

I turned towards the door, ready to leave when her soft voice stopped me.



"I want kids," her voice left no room for argument.

My eyes squeezed shut and I was glad that all she could see was my back.

"We'll discuss that later."

One day, I'd have to tell her the truth but in turn, I'd break her heart. I was a curse placed upon Aashni. For most people, finding your other half was the best experience of their life. For her, it was simply the beginning of the end. No matter what she says, there was a time Aashni dreamed of a mate as all werewolves do. She imagined a future with a man that would take care of her for the rest of her life and love her with every centimeter of his heart. No matter how much she wanted me to, I could never love her. I would never truly be her mate, never.

I'm sorry.

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