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"And I would love you in all of this, until the very last star in the sky burnt into oblivion." -Song of Achilles


If I wasn't working on damage control (thanks Aashni), then I was working on policies. If I wasn't working on that then I was busy avoiding the mobs of werewolves that were filling Wolfhelm. Most of them were reporters and others were angry citizens demanding I give up the crown. On top of that, business owners in Wolfhelm have closed their shops as a sign of protest against the crown. A large number of the palace staff have quit in the past week and my mother refuses to speak to me.

At this point, I wasn't just pissed, I was raging. Ren had informed me that Aashni had sold my story to a reporter so that Wolfhelm Insider wouldn't leak information about her parents' relationship. If she would have just told me, I would have had it taken care of and this entire mess would have never happened.

The guilt I had been harboring about hiding the truth from Aashni had quickly dissipated when I learned that she betrayed me.

"The only way we can convince the people that you still deserve the crown is if you can prove that you are a werewolf, not just a beast," Ren said. The past two weeks had aged him. Dark circles rimmed his eyes and a permanent frown was pasted to his lips.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Shifting into my wolf was something I could not do.

"I can't," I gritted out.

"You have to try. There is no other way. Not even Aashni's last name can drag you out of this mess."

Despite the gossip about the Oberois, they were still beloved members of werewolf society, especially Aashni.

"I fucking can't, Ren! There is no way. I've heard from my wolf once and that was when he told me Aashni was my mate. That's it."

Ren was stressed and grasping for straws. It was his job to advise me but he was also one of my good friends which made it worse for the both of us.

A knock sounded on the door of my study.

"Come in," I shouted.

Jonah walked in with a hesitant step and an awkward smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Erm, there are accusations circling the palace," he said slowly like he was scared I would shift at any second and rip him to pieces.

I liked Jonah. He was a hardworking assistant but sometimes his fear got the best of him.

"Get to the point."

"They are saying that you and Aashni are not real mates since you hardly spend time together. The instructor even said that you two were dancing like strangers and could barely stand one another's touch. They suspect she is being forced into staying here," he rushed out.

"Great, this is just we need right now," Ren muttered.

"Also, it has been noted that you two have never spent a night alone together," Jonah added.

"They're keeping track of our sex life?" I questioned, feeling slightly violated.

"Can you even call it a sex life?" Ren said.

I glared at him. He wasn't wrong but it was mine and Aashni's relationship. It shouldn't have to be inspected to the smallest details.

"I'll fix it. Anything else?" I said.

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