Fallon 7

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The door seemed heavy and stiff but I couldn't concentrate on that as I stared at my blue marbled skin. How could it be real? How could it be happening?

I felt as though something was constricting around my rib cage, no matter how many breaths I took they didn't seem to reach my lungs. Panicking, I reached for Fallon, gasping like a fish and desperate for help.

The metal clicked beneath his hands and he turned back to face me, his face going pale, eyes wide. Stricken.

I couldn't breathe. At all.

He looped one arm around me and pushed the heavy door open with the other. I tumbled forward under his guidance. Once through the door I saw three figures but I had no time to focus on them as I dropped to my knees gripping my ribcage as though tearing it open might help me breathe.

The shadowy figures swooped toward me and I felt there hands on my skin.

“She's worse then I anticipated.” One of them murmured his hands reaching under my chin, pulling my face up so he could see it. He shone a torch in my eyes pressed his thumb beneath my jaw to check for my pulse.

Why wasn't he helping me? I couldn't breathe!

The pressure was building, dots were sparking in front of my eyes, blurring my vision. “Take her to the clinic, I'll run to the ward and get some more...”He murmured urgently and handed something to one of the other figures. His white coat flashed as he ran away. Where to I wasn't sure.

“Get her on the stretcher.” I heard Fallon order.

“We know the drill Fallon.” A new voice of one of the other figures soothed.

Coaxing hands pulled me forward a few steps and pushed me gently down on a canvas stretcher.

They lifted it into the air and rushed away. Fallon ran alongside, I focused on him only.

“Your going to be fine.” He murmured. “I promise.” His words were sincere but his eyes were anxious.

I gasped desperately to find a breathe.

“Tilt your head backwards.” One of the Stretcher bearers advised taking on hand off the stretcher to tilt by chin back.

It helped to some degree but it ached in neck and I soon reverted to just starring upwards. I had to balance breathing with pain. Life or agony?

“Come on.” The guy murmured tilting my chin again.

I could feel tears in my eyes. They spilled hot over my cheeks trickling down the sides of my face toward my hairline due to my awkward angle.

I was going to die; without my parents even knowing I was gone. They would never know that I was in fact dead, they would live on with my replacement.

I closed my eyes, letting the rocking of the sketcher lull me into calm. “Wake up, don't fall asleep. Not now.” Fallon snapped pinching my arm to startle my eyes open.

We were in a bright white room with a bed in the centre and cupboards all round. All manner of medical equipment was strewn around the room but they were moving so fast toward the bed that my eyes couldn't focus. The set me gently down on it and set into a blur of motion that I couldn't keep up with.

I rolled my eyes to look at Fallon. “how long...?” I couldn't get out the end of my question as I ran out of breathe, it came out as a wheeze.

“How long what?” He asked leaning in closer to hear me.

“How long...” I took another deep breathe. ”Do I have?”

His face contorted into a grimace. “Don’t talk like that.” He soothed. “You have all the time in the world.”

FallonWhere stories live. Discover now