Chapter 12

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I'm so sorry this is took so long, I'm just really really tired. Anywho, here you go :)


Fallon meandered through dark hallways for a while before stopping in front of a old rusted door where he paused to wait for Malachy and I to catch up. I was careful to stop a few feet away from him, still not comfortable letting him close to me. Malachy came to sudden stop behind me, crashing into me.

“Why'd you stop?” He asked Fallon over my head.

“To explain.” Fallon rolled his eyes at Malachy and looked at me. “This place is much more complicated then your world. But we'll start with the easy part. In your world castles have keeps right? The most fortified part of the castle, the place most densely inhabited and filled with storage for weapons, food etcetera.”

I nodded.

“Well, that's where we will start. This... Is where we all live.” He turned the old rusted handle and a heavy clanking sound resonated within the walls around us. Slowly, so slowly the door creaked open and revealed a shaft of blinding light.

I shrank back, disoriented and brought my arm up to shield my arms from the beam. I looked up slowly as my eyes adjusted and I was astounded by what I saw.

The shell of the building itself was like a giant warehouse, complete with corrugated metal walls and stained concrete flooring. It reminded me of home depo shops but instead of shelves there were little rooms, or houses, separated from each other with al manner of materials. Balcony’s ran all around the large room and many flights of stairs led to and from them, steep and fragile looking. From most of these staircases came doors, all dark and imposing, all closed.

My eyes strayed back to the tiny buildings.

“What is this place?” I whispered.

“The keep, this is where we all sleep and live for most of the time.” Fallon answered.

It looked like an indoor, slightly upmarket shanty town. Full of colour but lacking in life.

“Where are all the people?” I asked.

“Probably out, doing things. This is not a prison Evie.” He gripped my fingers in his own and this time I didn’t pull away. “Let me show you.” He smiled and dragged me through the door way, down the stairs and to the edge of the tiny town, Malachy on our heels.

“It's like a maze, I’ll get lost.” I fretted.

He laughed softly and tried to reassure me. “It's easier to navigate then you think.”

I wanted to take off on my own, explore it by myself. Not under constant watch, I ripped my arm from his grip and started running. Weaving myself into the maze.

The rush of the stale air around me was incredible, so much freedom after day upon day of restriction. Adrenaline burned in my veins, igniting my every limb and muscle, driving me to new speeds. I could hear them shouting behind me but I refused to heed there warnings. I needed this one chance to be free. I rushed by rust and candle light, canvas curtains waving in a gentle breeze. Voices I had never heard before brushed passed me but I left them behind. I didn't care about people any more. I cared about me. Selfish though it was all I cared about was myself.

Who cared if I upset Fallon? Who cared if they were annoyed by my recklessness? Who cared if I disturbed someone? Who bloody well cared about me any more except myself? Why not indulge my every whim. As people heard me coming they appeared from there makeshift huts, there pale faces blurred as I ran past them. Hands caught at my wrists but I ran to fast for them to slow me down. I was flying now, dodging and ducking, loosing myself in the maze. It was incredible.

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