Chapter 13

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I was getting incredibly tired of seeing Saul's face or Rupert or Deigos for that matter. They were so incredibly concerned about everything, it was weird and I found it almost patronising, the way they always swarmed when something happened.

I had to fight to be given the right to walk back to the medical wing as Diego wanted to carry me. I vehemently refused, reasoning that I had only fallen to the floor because I had been knocked over and not for any other reason. I had to give credit to Fallon who for once was fighting my corner, they stopped insisting when he intervened so I guessed it was his influence that swayed there decision. I made a mental note of that fact for future reference: If I want something, Fallon would be the best way to get it.

Fallon promised we would return to our tour as soon as we had spoken with Saul, if he thought it wise that is. I didn't even know why I had to go and speak to Saul, it seemed so redundant. I'd been knocked over by a person not a car. OK, so the person was built like a tank, but I had regained my breath, I wasn’t exactly in peril.

Nonetheless I was apparently summoned and had to go. I had originally been told that he was coming to me, but then Diego and Rupert appeared and told me that he was dealing with a small emergency already and that I had to go to him. According to them it didn't matter whether I wanted to see him or not, my well-being was of “utmost importance”. I didn't even bother trying to explain that I was fine, they didn't seem to care. They all seemed to think I was some kind of fragile invalid and that just wouldn't do. I knew that soon enough I would have to come up with a plan to prove my resilience, but for the moment I was stuck walking back to the medical wing. Yay.

I was led to a small room in which a bed, a few cupboards and a plush arm chair sat and told to hop up onto the bed. I sat grouchily in the chair instead.

“Evie, don't make this difficult.” Diego sighed.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “How am I being difficult exactly.”

Diego looked uncomfortable, shifting from one foot to the other and rubbing his hands on his arms like he was cold. “That's Saul's chair.”

“Is he really that petty?”

“No he ju-”

I cut him off. “Just what? You said he wasn't that petty, why should he care?” I quizzed narrowing my eyes at him, this was something I wanted to win. I wanted to prove that I wasn't some drip, some pathetic little wallflower that would break upon contact. I was strong, I knew I was, I needed them to also.

“Because he will want to examine you.” Rupert said, hopping up to perch on the edge of one of the counters, it seemed he was sitting this one out.


“To check your progress.”


“Fallon raised concerns with us earlier.”

I turned to Fallon. “Why?”

He met my stern haze evenly and smiled lightly. “Because you seem...” He paused as if to find the right words ”to look past people.”

“The problem with that is?”

“I know your not just doing it to be rude.”

Damn him, damn him and his eagle vision. “I'm fine.” I grumbled, sinking back into the arm chair and pulling my knees up to my chest.

Fallon smiled warmly and came to crouch beside the chair putting his hand tentatively on my wrist. When I didn't brush him away he smiled again.

“There's a difference between feeling fine and being fine.”

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