Fallon 9

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Some of you may have noticed i have changed the name of my heroine from Kate to Evie, i just want ot take a few sententces to explain why.

This charecter is one i could never find a name for, i kept looking and thinking but could never come up with one which i though would suit, for this reason i gave up and just used my middle name until i could find one i like more. I grew to like Kate but i have recently found the perfect name. Evie, i hope you love it as much as i do.  


  Waking up was all I seemed to be doing these days. I sighed in both annoyance and contentment.

Everything was warmth and softness, whatever it was I was lying on had moulded to my body shape, the blanket was thick and the pillows beneath my head were plumb and cool.

Reluctantly I blinked my eyes open, to see that I was lying on an ornate white metal four-poster bed, the walls around me with the lightest shade of green imaginable, practically white. There was a French door on one side which was open, the light sheer curtain in front of it was blowing in what smelled like salty sea air. Somewhere in the distance, a piano was chiming out a soft tune. A lullaby of sorts.

I rolled my head to see the other side of the bed. Fallon was sat on it, legs stretched out, dickens book in hand. I was to tired to find this frightening, instead I laughed.

“You read dickens?”

“You snore?” He quipped, looking down at me and grinning.

I sat up, affronted. “No I don't!”

He laughed again. “I know, but it got you up didn’t it?”

I sighed and flopped back into the pillows. “Where are we?”

“Same place, different room.” He shrugged and went back to his novel. I watched him for a long moment, the way his eyes moved from right to left as he scanned over the words. I could see he was frowning slightly as he read it, deep in concentration.

Abruptly, he snapped the book shut and gave me and intent look. “What?”

I snorted. “You just lost your page.”

He closed his eyes, half smiling and took a deep breathe. “Really? Hadn’t noticed.” He opened his eyes and hunched his shoulders over leaning back against the head board.

I pushed myself up to sit beside him in much the same way. “Tell me who you are.”

He took another deep breathe and launched into his explanation. “I am your guardian, the one who has to keep you safe. Most of the people here only have one, but your a special case, you have three. I, am your main guardian but Malachy and Gabe are you under guardians. We are a unit-”

I cut in. “Three questions. One, what are we being guarded from? Two, why am I a special case? And Three why are we here?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I'll get around to answering those, but just let me explain everything else. Ok?”

I nodded and turned to face him, leaning back on my arm so that my elbow locked.

With another sigh he began again. He seemed to spend as much time sighing as I did sleeping, I though ruefully.

“I'm sure when you were younger you liked fairy tales, all little girls do. In fact I know you did like fairy tales, you mother had a large omnibus of them, she read you them in a cycle. Every time she finished the book she'd start again, one story per night. For seven years. Then you started on harry potter. But the book still lays under you bed, covered with dust, old and forgotten.”

FallonWhere stories live. Discover now