I don't wanna say goodbye, 'cause this one means forever

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(This title is a part of the lyrics from In the Stars by Benson Boone. This is just an AU, not canon to the actual story I'm writing. This was inspired by an Ittorou comic on Twitter made by a lovely creator. That being said, pls enjoy) 


The tall trees loomed over the short grass, casting a light shadow over the meadow as Foolish walked the path with his two lovers, talking with them about the day.

It was a peaceful day, the kind of day where one could look outside their window and want nothing more than to go out and have a lovely day out, and that's what Foolish had done. He invited Sam and Ponk out on a going out date where they had planned to explore the nearby villages, maybe say hi to a few of the other members, and then finally, a beloved walk in a forest to a special place to them, a little spot in the woods where there was a little gazebo that he had built for them, just because in honor of their first ever date at that very spot. 

He sighed heavily as Ponk and Sam sat next to him, Ponk's head leaning slightly to Foolish's shoulder. 

"Oh my gosh!" Foolish exclaimed loudly. "Today was quite the day, wasn't it, you guys?" he asked as Sam nodded and Ponk had started dozing off, his head nodding up and down as he tried not to sleep. 

"Did you like that villager stand?" Foolish asked Sam. Sam only nodded in response, but it was enough of a response for Foolish to continue talking. "Oh, and that one ice-cream stand! Oh, it was so tasty! I had no idea berries could taste like that together! It was so good~" he sighed as he placed a hand on his belly, stomach full from all that he ate with them. 

"Next time, I want to bring you to this really good tasty place that has all these really cool and weird food, but it's actually really good! Hey, did you know-" but before he could talk, he heard his mother, Puffy shouting. 

"Foolish!" she called out to him, running to the gazebo. "I finally found you." she panted as she tried catching her breath. 

"Aw, hey Puffy!" he greeted. "But, can you give us some alone time?" he asked her. "We're on a date." he said happily. 

Puffy frowned slightly. "A date?" she asked. "At this hour? Who's watching over Finley and Junior?" she asked him softly. 

"Oh, Niki is. She agreed to watch over them when I went out to do some stuff." he responded. 

Puffy looked around while he said this, only looking back at him. "Who-?"

"With Sam and Ponk, Puffy! You know how they're always kinda busy?" he responded cheekily. 


"So I planned this date in advance on their day off so that they can just wind down and feel refreshed." he said. 


"So can you kindly leave us for-"

"Foolish." Puffy said again, firmness in her voice. She looked at him, sadness in her eyes as if struggling with something. 

"You have to move on." 

Everything was silent for a moment, before Foolish spoke again. 

"What do you mean, Puffy? Me? Move on from what?" he asked her. 

"Everything's alright," he said, grabbing hold of a wooden box, its contents swishing inside. 

"They're always by my side." 


Woo! Gone for a while, wasn't I? Take this angsty chapter as atonement, everyone who's still alive and waiting for me! Sorry for not updating in the past while, but I did say I was going to have a pretty rocky updating schedule. Anyways, as promised, the link to my beautiful inspiration > 

Part 1: https://twitter.com/Lontongs_/status/1539661652790243328 

Part 2: https://twitter.com/Lontongs_/status/1541642162005487616 

If this gets enough votes/views, I'll do a chapter about their dates. If you want them that is. And I probably should've put 'angst' at the beginning, but that would've ruined the surprise. So, ciao~ 

Words: 660 words


Foolsamponk oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon