Wish you were gay (fluff)

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Ok sooo this happened after the two kissed during Noel's song


Noel's POV

We kissed. He kissed me back? What? My first kiss; of course it had to be in the afterlife or whatever this place is. Who would've known Mischa of all people would've been my first kiss, I didn't even know he swung that way. "What? It's normal in my country to kiss other men. Not normally in high heels, but..." he trailed off. Of course he's trying to cover up on why he kissed me. I sigh and sassily leave to get dressed.

Why am I still thinking about it? It's just one time thing. But of course I can't get the taste of him off my tongue. This is weird, I can't be developing a crush on the cliche bad boy, right?

Mischa POV

Ah shit, no one believes me. I can't some sort of passion for Noel right? It was just a kiss, nothing more. God, I wish I could talk to Talia, to get all these feelings that I shouldn't be feeling out. I sing my songs and me and Noel sit by each other and start talking and I pull out a bottle of vodka. "Where'd you get that?" He points and I shrug, giving it to him.

He looks at it and back at me before taking a swig of it. His face sneers and takes another swig before giving it back to me. "That was my first kiss with a man. Thanks." He smiles and I blush a little, I'm blaming it on the Alcohol, even though I know I'm no light weight.

I sigh and nod. "Of course." I finally look at him, but it's not necessarily his face that I'm looking at. It's his lips. I pass the vodka and he drinks it and leans on me. Ocean starts talking and being very obnoxious like always but I take that opportunity to talk to her about why saw 5 is in fact, a good movie with a lesson behind it.

Noel's POV

Great. I miss him when he's five feet away from me. Pathetic. (Ehehhhehh if you get the reference 💜💜) I just... why can't I... I mean, Talia isn't coming here anytime soon, so if he is queer then maybe I have a chance?

What am I thinking? I shouldn't be thinking that, he deserves a life with her, whether or not she's real or not.

*time pass*

It's been decided, Jane Doe or Penny Lamb as we know her now was chosen.

"Hey, I'm sorry you couldn't say goodbye to Talia." I walk up behind Mischa and he shrugs. "She deserves a life with a true man that'll help her and love her. Someone who's closer to her back in Ukraine." He sighs with obvious sadness traced in his voice. I hug him and he hugs back, not as tight but enough that I know he appreciates it.

I just kinda wish you were gay

Is all I can think. I know it's not particularly a good thing to wish for someone to be another sexuality but I can't help it.

"Noel," he looks down at me as I look up at him, the tension is unbearable, I slowly lean in and he leans into my lips. The vodka filled kiss finally feels nice and hopefully not confusing in my future if I even have one.

Sorry about how short this is the next one should be longer and better :)

Noel Gruber x Mischa BachinskiWhere stories live. Discover now