Oh dear god (smut)

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Constance (basically) lives with Mischa because he hates his house. Also this is pre choir accident and choir in general. (Also in this they're all 18)

Kinks in case you're uncomfy: biting, choking, hair pulling, and slight degrading

Noel's POV

Great, I'm stuck with miss goody two shoes for this dumb project. Oh well, maybe I can get her to do all the work. "Hey, could you talk to me after school? I need to meet up with Mischa." Constance tells me and I raise an eyebrow. "Oh? And who is this Mischa character?" I ask, thinking I'll get some sort of tea on this girls life. "Oh it's nothing like that, he's like a brother to me!" She smiles with her wide smile.

"Mhm keep telling yourself that." I wink and walk away knowing that I have work at the stupid Taco Bell in the mall. Oh well I don't want to be that big of a bitch today and we have fourth period together anyways. I'll talk to her before I leave.

As I'm taking notes in the middle of fourth period a pretty attractive dude walks in. "Mr. Bachinski? Nice to see you're joining us today." The teacher says to the boy and he shrugs. "Not like I wanted to." He smiles and I open my eyes a bit wider to hear the strangers accent. I can't help myself, accents are hot.

"Just sit down." The teacher waves him off and decides to sit beside me. Holy shit holy shit holy SHIT. Why would he sit by me of all people? This class wasn't big and there were a lot of seats open in the back so why me?

It was the end of class and I put my stuff in my bag and walked over to Constance. "Ok listen, I have work today so here's my number and we can work something out, k?" I smile and that's when I saw him, walking up to us? Could this day get any weirder? "Connie, you ready to go?" He asked in his thick accent. Connie? Is all I could think "Yeah just a second." Constance grabbed the piece of paper out of my fingers. "Wait wait wait, who's he?" He pointed at me and Constance smiled.

"Oh he's my partner in biology and we were gonna work on it soon. On that note, is this weekend ok for you?" She looked between the two of us. "Oh, um yeah, is this the dude who you were talking about earlier?" I put my elbow on my hand and my other hand under my chin. "Oh yeah this is Mischa and Mischa this is Noel." She introduced us. Oh so this is Mischa. "Well I have to go but have fun doing whatever you guys are doing." I wave and play it cool but inside I'm freaking out.

I calm down by the time I get to work, but I can't get him out of my brain. Me and my coworker Penny start talking as I'm clocking in and all she talks about is exactly what I like, French new wave movies. I loved her, but only platonically of course.

As we were joking around and quoting things while working I didn't notice until it was to late. Mischa and Constance were in line, this can't be happening. They finally get to the front of the line and of course I have to take their orders. "Hey what can I get for the two of you." I put on my customer service act, why do the two of them have to be here and now?

"Oh hi Noel! I didn't know you worked here." Constance says with that big smile on her face. I want to roll my eyes but with that piece of eye candy being here, I shouldn't . "Oh I didn't even recognize you, but thats awesome man." Mischa basically gives me a thumbs up and goes back to his phone. I want to curl up into a ball right now. I take their order and Mischa pays for both of them. How does Constance not like this cliche of a man?

Their food is out in about 5-10 minutes and as I'm handing Mischa their food, our hands touch and we make eye contact. I shudder and he smirks. FUCK WHY IS THIS MAN SO FUCKING HOT? I scream at myself and am slowly regretting my decisions.

The weekend came fast and I'm still trying to mentally prepare for this. Constance and I have been talking and I came around noon as she told me to. I shudder still thinking about his smirk. I look around and notice the beautiful garden in front of Constance's house. I knock on the door and look behind me to see that all the houses look exactly the same.

Noel Gruber x Mischa BachinskiWhere stories live. Discover now