{TFP} Ratchet x Wheeljack [fluff]

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[Wheeljack POV]

I heaved a sigh as I walked out of my ship; I had a big wound on my left hip, I put my hand over it to keep it from bleeding any further. I was greeted by Bulkhead and the scout, Bumblebee i think, on top of the base.

"Geez Jackie!" Bulkhead yelled at me as he put his hand around my back to steady me. "Did you face the cons again by yourself?"

I chuckled, "I tried to blow them up, but I accidentally got caught in the explosion- ah jeez that hurts-"

"[you need to take it easy before we get you to Ratchet]" the scout spoke in a distorted voice.

I nodded and obliged, the two of them brought me into the base and I saw the other autobots waiting for me.

Optimus, their leader, turned to their medic, "Ratchet, attend to Wheeljack immediately."

"Ugh, what happened this time?!" I heard an irritated voice from the back.

I came to see that the voice came from Ratchet, their doctor. He seemed shocked to see me.

"Wheeljack??? For Primus sake, what happened this time???" He looked at me.

I smiled, "Heh, hey doc."

"I said- *sigh*" he then looked at Bulkhead, back at me, and then frowned even more. "Just take him over to the chair."

I raised a brow on why he seemed angrier than usual, but I didn't pay it any mind. Honestly.....he was cute when he's mad.

[Ratchet POV]
I pinched the bridge of my nose as Bulkhead brought Wheeljack to the chair. I couldn't help but feel...irritated when I saw Bulkhead so close to him. Was I...jealous? Of Bulkhead??? For being so close to Wheeljack? I don't even like him in the first place- I think. His arrogant smile annoyed me- I could never get it out of my head. The fact that it was like that for a while bothered me. I shook my head and headed for the patient.

"Hey doc!" He waved from the chair.

I grit my teeth, "I told you not to call me that!"

"Alright then," he smirked, "you want me to call you 'sunshine' from now on?"

I was caught off guard by that, I turned away in embarrassment, "shut up before I end up tearing out your vocal circuits."

"Awww, did I make someone blush?" He laughed..... why did I like the sound of him enjoying himself?

I grabbed some tools to fix the wound; I walked over to the chair and started working.

[Wheeljack POV]
I watched Ratchet do his work on me. He was surprising very good at fixing wounds; I realized that I was staring at him for a long time. Ratchet looked back at me, I quickly looked away; Ratchet seemed confused.

"Alright, just don't make any rash movements, or you'll reopen the wound." He suggested to me.

I smiled, "Whatever you say, sunshine."

He glared at me; as usual. But what I didn't expect is that right after that he looked away and blushed slightly, I'm pretty sure I ended up doing the same. Holy shit he was cute. I decided to tease him a bit, I lifted my hand up to the side of his face and pulled him close.

"Someone seems flustered, hmm~?" I whispered close to his face, Ratchet's eyes widened in shock and blushed immensely.

He surprisingly didn't move from this spot, he just started to stutter, "I-"

I didn't expect this to happen, i could feel my heart beating faster. We just stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. After that, I just went straight for it.

I leaned in and kissed him.

[Ratchet POV]
My eyes widened as Wheeljack put his lips on mine. His lips were surprisingly soft, his kiss was passionate. i knew that this was wrong, but it felt so right. My eyes shut as I kissed him back. His left hand traveled to the back of my head as his other hand was placed over mine. As we parted, I snapped back into reality. I shoved Wheeljack away; I started my way out.

I heard him speak, "Ratchet- I-"

"This was wrong to do, I'm sorry." I left the room.

~ At night ~

I ended up staying up later than usual in front of the computer. My body ached from not taking any rest; my eyelids felt heavy. I struggled to not fall over. I then felt a pair of hands to steady me. I turned my head to see Wheeljack behind me.

"Hey doc..." he muttered. "Why are you up so late?"

I struggled to apprehend the situation. This was probably a dream, I just said nothing.

"You have terrible bags under your eyes right now. Do you want me to take you to your room?"

I muttered, "You're so annoying..."

"Yeah, I know." He chuckled softly, "Not news to me."

I started speaking before I could think, "Why do you have to be like this to me?"


"I said that I hate how you are to me!" I realized that I was yelling. Wheeljack just looked back at me in shock, "I hate that you're always on my mind, and that I can't forget about you! The thing earlier.....the kiss....it's the reason why I can't go to sleep;....I- I liked it."

There was a silence in the room, I then realized this wasn't a dream at all. All I could do was put my face in my palm and let out a sigh.

"I don't know what's wrong with me- I-"

I was cut off as Wheeljack grabbed my chin and kissed me once more. My eyes widened again from the affection that was returned back to me. As I kissed back, Wheeljack pulled me closer with his arms wrapped around me. He pulled away and smiled softly.

"If you loved me that bad you should have said so." He chuckled; I blushed in embarrassment.

I leaned against his chest, "I don't even care anymore." I smiled slightly.

"Why don't I take you back to your room now? You need to get some sleep." He put his arm on my shoulder. And put his other hand in mine.

I leaned on his shoulder, "Sure....just don't get hurt from now on."

"Whatever you say....sunshine."

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