Chapter 3: Orion

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     "I am glad for all of those who have joined us for this...unexpected assembly. I apologize for the sudden news, but this is a matter of urgency." Daemon started. The entire school was in the huge auditorium, listening to this assembly. For a young guy, not even in his mid-twenties yet, he did very well for a leader. Orion silently congratulated his friend. 

     Orion leaned over to Nathan."He's doing pretty well, for a guy who..." he realized his almost-mistake and clamped his mouth shut before he said more. Nathan gave him a confused look, like, for a guy who what? But Orion just shook his head and mouthed, never mind. Nathan scowled. 

     "Oh both of you, quit it. Daemon's speaking." Tefuel hushed them.

     "As some of us know...yesterday, the worst battle yet between the two warring officially public. Many lives were lost, and only a few survivors were found. As a matter of fact..." 

     As Daemon continued his announcement, Orion let himself relax in his thoughts. This was how Orion let himself calm down. It made him sleepy, and either way, Daemon talking was boring. Sinking into his thoughts gently, he thought positive things, and pushed negative thoughts away. But even this calming meditation couldn't break him from so many nagging questions. Why were the gods fighting? It didn't make sense. What it for power? To dominate the land? Or was it to—

     "Earth to Orion, what has gotten into you?" Nathan hissed, shaking Orion out of his thoughts. Daemon and Tefuel were hovering over him, looking concerned.

     Daemon tilted his head. The blue-haired boy studied him for a long moment. Then he nodded. "Do not worry, Orion is fine. I suppose he got bored of my half-hour lecture and half fell asleep. I cannot blame you for that. But to make sure...are you alright, Orion?" Daemon squatted next to him. 

     Orion's face turned bright red. "Uh...yeah. I am? Did I miss something?" He couldn't believe it had been half an hour. This was insane. Had he fallen asleep?

     Nathan slapped his forehead and shook his head. "Dude, it's been half an hour. The assembly ended ten minutes ago. We're you having some kind of semi-conscious sleeping?"  And Orion was sure he'd fallen asleep. Leave it to himself to figure out how he thought stuff in his mind while he was asleep. Oh, joy.

     "No...? I was...uh..." Orion's face turned even more red. "I—uh..."

     Tefuel sighed. As long as you're feeling okay, I don't think that's a problem, right?" She patted his head. Orion scowled.

     "I'm not a pet!" Orion scooted away from her. It was already embarrassing enough to half fall asleep during such an important announcement, and Tefuel had just made it look more ridiculous. "I'm a totally alive and normal guy, thank you very much."

     Daemon let out an amused snort, and Orion turned to give him a death glare. He put his hands up. "No offense, but the school facility rules are that if anyone isn't feeling well or is injured, they should at least take a short visit to the infirmary. Of course, it's all up to you." Daemon held Orion's gaze long enough to make him squirm. 

     Orion cleared his throat. "I'm fine. Seriously. Um, shouldn't people like you who have healing powers be able to tell if someone is injured?" Daemon's face flashed with surprise.

     "And how did you know that?" Daemon's face was utter confusion. "Who told you?"

     "Oh—uh, I'm pretty sure Nathan told me that. Am I right, dude?" If Orion got this wrong, he would most definitely end up in the infirmary. Scrambled brains was definitely an excuse for that horribly place.

     Fortunately, luck was on his side for the moment. "Yeah, I told him that while we were talking about the incident before class. Sorry, Daemon—I mean, uh, Sir Daemon." Nathan stuttered the last few words.

     Daemon shook his head and smiled. "It's just Daemon between us. After all, sooner or later you're gonna make the same mistake in front of a crowd, hm?" 

     "I—I guess so. Come on guys, let's go. We're already late. Bye, Daemon!" Nathan took Tefuel by the hand and pulled her out of the auditorium. 

     Orion was just going through the door when Daemon called out after him. "Oh, and Orion? Come to my office with Tefuel and Nathan after school. I need to talk to you guys about something important." 

     Orion froze. Were they in trouble? Daemon answered that for him. "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. It's just something I need to talk about with you guys." Orion relaxed. Good. He didn't need to get in trouble on a Friday.

     "Alright. See you later, Daemon!" And then he was gone.

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