Chapter 8: Vlad

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     Sometimes when Vlad competed in these games, he got defending. And some of those times, he won. But attacking? No, no, no, not for him. He liked violence, but he was just too lazy to even try. And, what made it worse for today was that Nathan and Orion was in the attacking team as well. He absolutely hated them. Once he became powerful, he would stomp them like ants under a shoe.

     He spun his double-edged spear-glade. It was void-black, and the edges were marked with  glowing red. Normally, he wouldn't join these stupid games because there wasn't any point of trying to win a day off of school, but after what had happened today, he really needed a break.

     Trying to make me work with my worst enemies? You dream, blueberry burst head. The last part was for Daemon. The weird blue haired guy was so boring. Vlad wanted to smack that calm look off of his face every time he saw him. Until Vlad graduated though, he wasn't going anywhere. 

     Vlad spun his blade once. Twice. A third time. A fourth time. Then a fifth. Sixth. On and on, until he lost count. He lost balance somewhere around sixty, and gave up. He was going to make sure Nathan and Orion didn't get in his way of victory. He was going to make sure he caused some mayhem.

          With a mocking smile on his face, he shoved other students aside as he marched toward the line where the attacking team was getting ready. Tonight, he was going all out and wild. 


     The forest was huge. Like, huge huge. Ginormous trees towered over everyone. It had been five minutes since the games had started. The defending team had a head start to get to the boring statue and have a bit of time to get ready. This might've been a disadvantage for the attacking team, but it actually gave Vlad some time to plan. This was going to be easy, as long as he didn't waster too much time. 

     Vlad studied the trees. They were big, so that meant it was stable enough for climbing and jumping from tree to tree. It gave him better view, and the trees hid him well with his dark clothes. 

     When Vlad looked around, he noticed that some of the attacking team were making plans together by teaming up. He snorted under his breath. Teaming up was the last thing he wanted to do. Not only did he hate everyone, the "teammates"  could betray you and take the victory for themselves. That was not happening. Not. A. Chance. 

     Quickly and efficiently, he made a plan, with a backup plan. Plan A was to go for stealth. He would move quickly and quietly from tree to tree until he got to the statue. Then, using his powers, he would take the rose from the statues hand unseen. After that, he would announce that he had the rose. That was how the game worked. Of course, that was if he wasn't caught. 

     Plan B was complicated. If the defending team found him, the first thing he would do was retreat back into the forest. Of course, that would give others a chance to grab the rose with less security, but Vlad had a plan for that. With his powers, he had the ability to teleport anywhere. Not to mention, when it came to throwing weapons, he excelled at aiming. No problem. The hard part was where he had to herd he defenders away. There was a lot of people, so he'd have to be fast. He had to lose them quickly, or else someone else would get to the rose. 

     When the attackers were released, Vlad immediately jumped into action. He followed his plan perfectly and silently. 

     Vlad made it past out the trees in the dark with no problem. His dark clothes gave him a huge advantage in the dark, other than his hair. Oh, well. 

     Vlad vaguely heard noises far from him. Yelling. The defenders were probably facing off against the attackers, or it could be the other way around. He didn't care. As long as he didn't get tagged, he was good. That's how defenders operated. 

     So, so, stupid. People these days are unbearable. Vlad thought. Vlad reached the edge of the clearing. No one was there. Are you serious? No one? Not one to guard the rose? Unless...

     Vlad's eyes narrowed. He silently snapped off a small branch and tossed it into the clearing. Almost immediately, several people flashed in. 

     So that's their strategy. Well, I'll play along. 

     Vlad jumped off and out of his hiding place and with one spin of his glade, he knocked two of them to next Wednesday. The other 4 pointed their weapons at him. Vlad vaguely remembered something about following his plan, but there was no turning back. With smooth moves, he dodged and used his powers to kick off two more. The last two...ah. 

     "Teufel, I didn't know you were going on along with this plan," Vlad mocked, "Did you really think you could trick someone like me into this cliche trap?"

     Teufel's scythe glittered dangerously in the moonlight. "Smooth talk from you, Vlad. This is a battle strategy game. It's not about mocking others. And yes, I do believe this strategy would've worked. Just...not for you." Teufel watched every move with her glittering purple eyes. 

     "Well, I guess I won't need to fight you." Vlad smiled, and then jumped into a void-red portal. Teufel and the other student backed up in alarm. 

     So sad. They can't even realize I'm after them. 

     "It seems like I win, Teufel." Vlad cackled. He held up the rose like a trophy. Then again, it really kind of was. 

     For now, he didn't see Orion or Nathan during the match. That was a good addition. He smiled. And he didn't need to see—

     Orion and Nathan charged in. 

     Them. Oh, joy.

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