Chapter 6: Nathan & Teufel

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     "Orion, what was that all about? Nathan demanded as they sat down on the sofa in their dorm. "Why'd you drag us away? We don't have a science exam tomorrow—not even close. Tefuel nodded. 

     Orion hesitated before answering. "It's just that...the guy—Derek—he looked a bit edgy. You know, a bit suspicious. The way he's like a predator stalking its prey, but you guys probably won't get the meaning." 

     Tefuel frowned. "Orion, you're technically saying not to trust Derek. He's our teacher now. Why would you think Derek was some kind of bad guy? I mean, right now, that's what you're exactly saying." She crossed her arms. "You also do realize that this suspicion is a bit of an accusation, right?

     Orion's shook his head. "No, I mean—he looks nice, but something about him Like there's happiness in him, but there's also an old but still fresh source of anger. Like, a really big balled up piece of anger. And sadness. A lot of saddness." Orion started pacing. 

    "Wait. You're saying that we can't trust him just because you feel like Derek's a suspicious guy? Sorry, but that doesn't make much sense. Plus, Daemon was literally beaming at the guy. If Daemon trusts Derek, then I do too." Nathan responded with a tone that obviously said, end of the story. Orion was getting tired of this argument.

     Tefuel seemed like she was also getting tired of this conversation. "You know what? Let's just go do our homework, eat dinner, and spend the rest of our time doing whatever we can. Because starting today, Derek specifically said to come to the field every morning, ten o' clock for the workouts. So we better rest, I doubt the training tomorrow will be any easier than today." 

     She stood up and walked toward her bed. It was on the other side of the room. It was nice. Hers was a bunk bed of some sort. The top was her bed, the bottoms had bo mattress. Instead, a desk with school supplies was nestled in the space, with a small bookseller to store books. Beside her bunk bed was a drawer with a mirror. 

     Nathan looked at Orion 's side. It was horrifying. His bed was unmade (his wasn't a bunk bed thing like Tefuel's), his drawers were open, things were scattered everywhere, and his workout spot had clothes dumped over them. Nathan wasn't sure why Orion was like that, but he couldn't blame him. Nathan's side was much better, but it was still messy. His books and notebooks were all stacked up on his desk, and some of his clothes were poking out of his drawers. Nathan really wished both boys could be as neat as Tefuel. This was life.


     Nathan spent the next few hours doing his own things. He did his homework with Tefuel and Orion as usual. Then they went downstairs to get their dinner. After that, Orion and Nathan went to the arcade room, which was packed like always. While that was happening, Tefuel went to the library to return and borrow books. By the evening, somewhere around seven, Orion had worked himself out, Nathan had tried cleaning up his part of the room, and Tefuel had spent her day reading. Typical.

     When Nathan got out of the bathroom, he realized that Tefuel and Orion were nowhere to be seen. Where did they go? Nathan wondered, looking around. Then he realized they might've gone to the school gate. Every Friday, there was a little competition. They probably went to go to try and win a day off of school. And they went without Nathan. Yay. 

     Nathan quickly put on his clothes. He wore a black T-shirt with plain white pants, completed with gray shoes. He looked like a colorless guy, except for his startling green eyes. Nathan opened the dorm's door and sprinted down the hall, only to trace back and grab his sword. Then he ran into the courtyard. 

     Nathan's hunch had been right. He spotted Orion and Tefuel near the fountain. The fountain itself wasn't hard to spot. Towering about ten feet tall and fifteen feet wide and sprinkling  clear fresh water out of the marble hole, the smoke-white marble fountain was easy to spot. 

     "Man, you guys made me almost think that you two got abducted. Wow, there is quite a lot of people today, isn't there?" Nathan panted as his friends looked over at him. 

     Orion's face broke into a grin. "Thought you weren't coming! Sorry for leaving you by yourself. Hope you weren't too scared though." He laughed when he saw  Nathan's expression. "I'm just playing with you Nathan, come on!" 

     Orion and and Tefuel dragged Nathan across the courtyard to schools' doors. Several teachers were up there, chatting. Many students were near the doors, but not directly in front of them. Only the teachers were allowed during games. 

     Nathan glanced at the poster taped to the school's door. Today was tag games. Yay. Tag games was when the students were separated into two teams; one was attacking, the other one was defending. The teams played in the forest. There was a statue of the Goddess of Harmony, for which the two teams defended. The goal of the attacking team was to take the rose out of the statue's hand. But the whoever got the rose was the one who actually got the day off school. For the defending team, they had to tag the opposing team to win. If all the attackers were out, then the winner would be chosen based on good behavior. 

     It was that easy. But for them, it was impossible. 

     Tefuel stared at the poster. "I guess we're playing tag games today. Well, no hope for us." 

     "Yeah, we're dead." Orion's and Nathan agreed. 

     Orion cracked his knuckles. "Well, let's crack up our one millionth loos in a row. Come one, guys!" Orion marched towards the forming crowd near the school doors. 

     Tefuel sighed. "Well, this will be interesting. Maybe we can win this time. I have a bit of a good feeling that we might win." 

     "Well, actually, it's either you, me, or Orion that's getting it. Remember, one person only." Nathan reminded her.

     "Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Let's go, 'lil munchie muffin pie!" Nathan scowled as Tefuel skipped off. 

     Great, just great. 

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