Chapter 7

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Previously on The Lost Prince...

Bilbo lingers behind. Slowly he draws out the sword looking at it with wonder at the weapon's power. He turns then runs to the others. Haraldur sees the hobbit in, waiting for the threat to come.


Riding at full speed through the trees an unkept short man is seen being pulled on a sled by oversized looking rabbits, bursting out in front of a fully armed group of dwarfs surprising the company at this odd sight.


The strange man came to an halt, seeing the wizard putting his sword away with a face full of recognition the company withdrew their weapons looking at Gandalf for an explanation for this strange sight.

"Radagast! It's Radagast the Brown" Gandalf exclaimed in delight seeing his old friend as he headed towards the man known as Radagast.

Having hearing this Haraldur broke out into a grin, putting his sword into his sheath the dwarf turned to Bilbo with an arrogant but mischievous smirk as the young hobbit looked at him in confusion.

"This my dear friend. Just gotten an whole lot better"


With Gandalf and Radagast in the distance talking in hushed tones away from the prying ears of the dwarves. Deciding not to bother them, Haraldur walked over to the oversized rabbits by putting out his hand for the leader to sniff. The muddy brown rabbit looked up at Haraldur with interest, studying him to see if he was a threat, after a while the cat sized rabbit deemed the dwarf not a threat he let the dwarf stroke him. A breathtaking smile came across his face as his blue eyes sparkled with happiness.

Just like his mother

Chuckling to himself as seeing the late image of his late wife every time the young boy smiles. He may have his looks but he is his mothers son, remembering the times Dia would bring home stray animals begging to keep them with her big green puppy eyes that always made him cave.

Thorin starts to walk over, when suddenly a loud howl alerted the company. Becoming tense Haraldur quickly straightened, drawing his sword while eyeing the surrounding trees.

"Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?" Bilbo responded frightened.

"Wolf? No that was not a wolf," replied Bofur drawing his weapon out.

"Warg scouts! That means a orc pack is not far behind!" Thorin shouted as he grabbed Haraldur pulling him towards the group, fear spiked through the king at the thought of not just his company in danger but his young son.

"Orc pack?" Bilbo asked confused.

"Yes an orc pack Master Baggins. Now I suggest you stay near me, we do not want you turned into dog meat now, do we?" The young soldier suggested anxiously, worried as he did not want his new friend to get hurt. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Gandalf storming over to Thorin.

"Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?" Gandalf demanded as he stared the dwarven king down. Thorin not liking the accusation squared his shoulders, biting back a sneer.


"Who did you tell?!" Not letting this go adamant that of Thorin speaking of the journey out of his kin.

"No-one I swear! What in durin's name is going?!" sick of the back and fourth Thorin demanded answers from the crazed wizard.

With one line made the company go silent with dread.

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