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Dominic looked down at his mangled right hand. The witch had bent back three of his fingers. His index continued to point at his chest while his ring and pinkie had been turned so they were facing each other.

"You know," Denise spoke as she casually sipped her coffee, "The McCarthy house was sold months ago." She added creamer, "It amazes me how sloppy each and every one of you are now. No digging, just ride into town like some cowboy guns blazing and think everything will fall into place." She noticed Dominic wince.

"You didn't scream," she eyed him closely, "Who do you serve? Cthulhu? Shub-Niggurath? I've heard the Acolytes of Hastur have a remarkable tolerance for pain."
She motioned her hand again and his thumb swirled like it was made from putty.
He muffled a scream.


She sat down in the chair in front of Dominic and placed the cup on the table in front of her.
"Hmm," Denise looked him over yet again, "Is it Azathoth? It is isn't? What did that gelatinous acrid mass of flesh and eyes promise you for bringing it the book?" She grabbed the cup and brought it slowly to her lips.
"Whatever it is its promised you is a lie." She remarked before drinking again. "The book rightfully belongs to my Lord Dagon."
"That book," Dominic spoke calmly, "Belongs to no one and everyone."

She smiled.

"Martin? I'm assuming that name is as real as your chances of leaving this place in one piece." She looked over Dominic's shoulder in the direction of the hallway. "There are fifteen corpses downstairs in my basement that felt the same way you did. Some were like you, enemies of Dagon. While others came here for their own nefarious purposes." She said as she poured herself more coffee. The cup had a cartoon black cat, eyes a dull yellow, perched like a gargoyle on top of a tombstone.

"Do you even know what that book is? What it can do? What it could do to you? I could easily strip the flesh from your bones. I could open portals and command beings to violate you in ways you couldn't possibly imagine."
She spoke as she stood, "But it's not my place to use the book for something so trivial."
"Why," Dominic tried to move his foot but it was firmly anchored to the floor, "Why not just give it to a High Priest? If there's been others, why risk keeping it here?"
"Risk? Oh Martin...."
"Dominic." He interrupted her.
"Dominic, the book is safer here than with a Priest. We are more than capable of keeping it locked away from prying eyes."
"We?" He replied.
"I see your up Dad," Denise looked at Dominic, a wide smile spreading across her face.
He felt two strong hands land like sandbags on both of his shoulders.
"Say hello to Dominic."

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