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The door to the home opened slowly, Dominic could hear the sound of Halloween music playing and the shrill sounds of various mechanical decorations all going off at once. He looked through the door and could make out a bowl of assorted candy and huge bags filled with even more candy on a small table in front of a full length mirror.

Dominic met the gaze of a young boy barely ten years of age staring back at him.
"You out getting candy mister?" The boy asked, his costume too big for his frame. He was a werewolf, and even though his mask was missing Dominic could see that the boy was wearing a shirt ripped in places with artificial fur underneath.

"Werewolf?" He pointed at the boy.

The boy produced his mask from behind his back. It had large teeth painted with blood and a muzzle that seemed to stretch on for miles. It's ears came to a point and were ragged and missing chunks of latex.

"Yeah. Problem is the other kids in this neighborhood don't think I'm scary enough. My friend Paul said I looked like a German Shepard, told me I should've went as Slender Man." The boy looked at his mask and than back at Dominic.

"You think this is scary mister?"
"I think if your friend Paul realized how wrong he was about werewolves he'd shit himself."
The boys eyes grew large and he started to giggle. Dominic could see the shadow of someone approaching the door. A well manicured hand rested on the boy's shoulder as the other hand opened the door.

"Donnie," the woman pulled Donnie back and came into Dominics view.
"Donnie what's going on? Why are you just standing," her eyes met Dominics and she paused.
"Can I help you?" She was in her mid thirties, she had blond hair that cascaded over her shoulders and rested on her costume.

A witch no less.

"Yes! I'm terribly sorry I was hoping if I could spare a moment of your time?"
She stunk of expensive perfume and tennis lessons. Her well manicured fingernails were painted black and her skin was a very light green.
"Excuse me? No solicitation." She pulled Donnie inside and started to close the door.
"Wait! I'm new in the neighborhood, my wife and I just moved in a week ago."
She relaxed her grip on the door.

That's it, come on.

"Well we have two kids, Grant and Bethany, and we wanted to see if the city had a safe zone up to check candy?"
She looked Dominic over, her eyes carefully taking in his words.
"I'm really sorry. I don't normally walk up and knock on doors of people I don't know."
She smiled. Her arms now at her side, relaxed and sure of herself that he posed no threat.

"No, apologizes neighbor! You and yours must have moved into the old McCarthy house on the other side of the block? Can't believe someone finally picked that up, been vacant for months."
"That's the one."
"Well," she looked him up and down yet again but quickly as to try and not draw attention.
"Martin." He said.
"Martin O'Hearn."
"Well Martin tell you what, come on in for a drink and we will talk a bit. Donnie here can man the door. What do you say?"
"Sounds great."
Dominic walked inside.

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