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"Well," the woman asked as Dominic followed her, "The McCarthy house huh?" He brushed past a coat rack and a small cabinet that housed from the looks of it, various shoes belonging to the family. On top the cabinet was a bowl that held two sets of car keys and some loose coins.
"Yup," Dominic responded, "We just finalized everything a few weeks ago," He scanned the walls, looking for glyphs cleverly hidden in picture frames or scrawled lightly with chalk onto the ceiling.

"We had to buy. The neighborhood alone is amazing. Everyone has been so nice to my wife & I, and the school district here is one of the best in the state." He couldn't believe how easy it had become to lie. It was instinctual, almost as simple as picking at a scab or playing with a sore on the inside of his mouth.

"The district here is amazing. Their after school programs have been a blessing to the community. Donnie actually plays soccer for Taylor Elementary." They passed the living room and Dominic could see that playing on a large tv was some sort of Halloween special. A child was sitting in a pumpkin patch lamenting about how he desperately needed to seek audience with a being referred to as the "Pumpkin King".
The glow of the tv was the only visible light in the room. It bounced off various other Halloween decorations, spotlighting orange & black streamers, plastic pumpkins and skulls.

Dominic noticed a figure wrapped tightly in a blanket laying on the couch directly to the side of the tv. He couldn't make out the face or body but the figure was large enough to cover the length of the sofa. He could see that it's chest rose and fell rhythmically as the sound of sleep apnea escaped somewhere from a unseen mouth.

"That's my Dad," she said as they entered the kitchen, "He watches Donnie for me. Been such a help after my husband passed."
"You know, I'm sorry I never caught your name." Donnie remarked as he sat at the kitchen table. He looked cautiously around yet again trying to locate something, anything, that would confirm the whereabouts of the book.
"Oh sweet Jesus Martin, I'm sorry. Denise. Denise Bachman." She extended her hand out to shake his. He reciprocated.

"Now, how about a drink?" She asked.

"Just coffee I'm afraid." Dominic could still hear the guttural sound of snoring coming from the living room. Denise smiled grabbing a pot of coffee that had been brewing. Than grabbed a cup also decorated for Halloween and poured.
"Alright, so, why don't you and I talk for a moment hmm?" She filled the cup to the top almost sending it over the edge.

"That'd be great Denise. I really appreciate the...."
"Cut the shit." She held the pot tightly in one hand as she spoke. "You're going to shut the fuck up for a moment. While I ask the questions."
He tried to move his hands up from the table, they were anchored in place.

Shit I can't move my legs either.

"Don't bother. You were fucked the moment you sat down. There's a binding glyph under the chair."


"Now, before I suck out your eyeballs one at a time let's really get to know each other shall we?" She flicked her wrist and Dominic felt his index finger starting to bend.


He heard the audible sound of the bone breaking as it bent towards his chest.
"Oh God," she smiled.
"Every time I use this spell I swear I almost climax. Better than fucking Martin."
She waved her hand again.

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