1.Good or evil?

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May's pov:
-Sunday 12th July 2010-
Dad has gone on a trip for a couple of days in Bahamas.Me and John b are home alone and even if someone would think that leaving two 7 years old kids alone in the house for 4 days is dangerous,well in our case is not.Outer banks is a place that teaches you how to survive from a very young age.
I heard a knock on the door and I knew who was it from the first knock.I opened the door and I saw jj,pope and kiara holding a huge box of ice-cream.JJ smiled at me "come on what are you waiting the ice-cream will melt" pope said and laughing i got out of the way to let them go in the yard.John b was already there cleaning our little boat because we had gone for fishing.The pogues sat down and we started eating the ice-cream while jj was telling as about his future plans.Classic jj.Suddenly kiara started a conversation about the fight she had with Sarah.
Sarah Cameron is a kook but she is not like the other kooks,she is very kind and cute.She is actually my best-friend too but of course I am not admitting that to Kiara.She and Sarah are not doing well...
"She is so spoiled,I can't even have a conversation with her about the environment"and here we go Kiara started again to complain about the environment.I mean I care about it but Kiara can be so annoying sometimes that it gets on my nerves.
I didn't actually wanted to say something and defend Sarah because today is not the day. "Well someone is pretty close with her"and there he was,my brother finally spoke. "Sarah is a good person at least to me,I have a lot of fun with her."I said and before I even finished Pope burbled something. "Yeah,you seem like you like her brother too".
Sarah also had a 2 years older brother and his name was Rafe.I met him one time when I was 5 at a dinner table and we had so much fun.Then last year when we went to the summer camp some kids one night came on me and started bulling me.Then Rafe came and started fighting with them and saved me.From that moment I liked him.I don't how a 7 years old girl can like someone but I did and I do.Today is his birthday and he has invite me to go to his house because he will have a huge party.The pogues are not invited and I hope that they will not do something stupid that will ruin Rafe's party.Kooks hate pogues and pogues hate kooks of course but Rafe has started to change.He has started to like the pogues because he met me,he said.But the pogues don't like Rafe and don't like the idea of me going at his party.
"Will you go?" My brother asked me and when I was ready to answer jj interrupted me. "Of course she will not go,we will not let her to go at Rafe's party."
"JJ I don't think that I need your permission.Rafe invited me and I have to go whether you like it or not." for a couple of seconds they were just looking at each other without saying anything but then I heard again JJ's voice. "Okay you can go but if we do anything you will be responsible because you didn't hearus" and then it was the moment that JJ was turning again into an asshole. "JJ listen to me if you all do anything that will ruin Rafe's party I will not
talk to any of you again okay?" and without getting an answer I went into the house grabbed the dress that I wanted and left my house.
I went behind Sarah's house and changed because the party was about to start.I fixed my hair and entered the huge entry that the Cameron's house has.At least 200 people where there to celebrate Rafe's birthday or they came just because they are rich.I was trying to find Sarah or Rafe but I couldn't find anyone.Then I ran into a tall man in a grey suit.It was mr.Ward,Rafe and Sarah's dad. "Millie it's lovely to see you again darling".Ugh I hate when people call me Millie. I greeted him and asked him where Sarah was.I didn't actually wanted to talk to him since I dont like him very much.He is the definition of "kook"he is spoiled, mean and most of all he treats Rafe like shit.All he cares about is Sarah and of course Sarah is my best friend and I am happy that her dad loves her but I feel very bad for Rafe.He told me that Sarah was at the plastic castle behind the mini bar and without saying goodbye I sped up to find her. When I went to the castle Sarah was nowhere to be seen and then I heard a very familiar voice saying my name.I turned around to see a boy in a blue shirt and a jean that he'd brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.It was Rafe.When I saw him,all I felt was comfort around him. " I thought that you would not come" he said to me with a huge smile on his face. "Of course I would come,I wouldn't miss the chance to eat free cake" we started laughing and then Sarah came from behind me and scared me. When she came Rafe's mood changed from happy to angry and I could understand why.Rafe was someone that even if he wasn't telling me anything about his feelings I could understand him and help him.He said that he will see me around and left us. "So did you brought the environment girl with you?"she asked me sarcastically about Kiara. "Come on Sarah.Kiara is not that bad you two just haven't done a good start"she gave me a wry smile and she pulled me to the dance floor.I love dance,dance makes me forget about everything bad that happens and I can focus on the good things and right now I am very happy that I am here.
The time went 9pm and Rafe was ready to blow the candles.We all sang the happy birthday song and he blowed his candles.He looked so happy seeing me here with him and I liked that. When I was waiting for the cake Sarah came and gave me a letter from Rafe.
"Meet me in ten minutes behind the house on my dads boat,I have a surprise for you:)"
I smiled and turned to see Sarah that she would probably be pissed.But for some reason when I turned to see her she was smiling and told me "I don't know how but you are the only person that I have seen to make my brother an actually good person.Now go on you can't be late".When I heard her saying that I was so confused but still very happy.
Ten minutes had passed and I was still waiting for Rafe to come and meet me but he was nowhere to be seen.It was cold and scary right here and then I heard screaming and yelling coming from the party.While I was ready to go and see what is going on I felt heavy hands around my waist grabbing me and a big hand closing my mouth.I was trying to scream but I couldn't I was kicking but then I was thrown into a van and i blacked out.

Rafe's pov:
Today is 8 years since her abduction.Today is 12th of July.Today is my birthday.I just heard the news and I am to the brink of a panic attack.
*The news*
"Today is 8 years since May Booker Rootledge was kidnapped.The police says that she is maybe dead but they still look for her every day.We pray for her and we hope she is okay and come home again safe."
Hearing the news saying that, made my heart break.
She is not dead.
She is not dead.
She is not dead.
She is not dead.
She is not dead.
What if she is?
What if she never comes back?
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
All I wanted to do is to give her a flower and tell her my feelings about her.
If the pogues weren't there nothing would have happened.
I hate the pogues.
I want to kill the pogues.
My bad thoughts were coming back ready to destroy me again.I went to the balcony forcing my self not to cry.I should be happy today,I should celebrate my birthday today but as my father and everyone else says I don't deserve to be happy,I am useless.All of sudden I heard footsteps from behind.I turned around and I saw my dad standing in front of the tv hearing the news.He turned to look at me and the only thing that I could see in his eyes were disappointment.He opened his mouth to say something and I knew that it wasn't good."She is maybe dead...She is maybe dead"he repeated what the news said."Do you hear that Rafe?"he asked me like he wanted to make me feel guilts,like he wanted to make me regret,like it was my fault,like I wanted to loose her.A tear rolled down from my eyes."What is it Rafe?All of sudden you feel bad.Do you feel sorry that if it wasn't you she would be here and SHE WOULD BE ALIVE!"he yelled to my face and without thinking I pushed him away from me saying "DO YOU THINK I WANTED THIS TO HAPPEND,I LIKED HER DAD.DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?I WISH IT WAS ME IN HER PLACE RIGHT NOW,I WISH I WASNT EVEN BORNED OKAY?!?!"and then I felt my dad's cold and heavy hand on my
"YOU FUCKED US RAFE OKAY?!DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!"I couldn't respond to him the only thing that I had in my mind was her.
While He was burbling something he slammed the door behind him and left the room.
And here I was, standing alone in the room surrounded by my emotions again trying not to break.

*I am imagining young may as Leslie from the movie "Bridge to Terabithia"and young Rafe as Jack from the movie "wonder" I also imagine Teenage may as young Alicia Silverstone.
WOW FIRST CHAPTER!!!Wright your opinions in the comments to let me know what you think!!!I know that is a small chapter but this is the first time that I am writing a story.Btw sorry for my bad grammar and vocabulary.I hope you like this story.So I have made some changes on the scenario but it's a very small changes so please don't judge me!!
TOMORROW NEW CHAPTER for more updates follow me on tik tok @drewschild
Love D xoxo<3

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