📁3📁 Faith and Trust

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  Folder watched as her fellow hostages ate their McCornald's. She didn't ask for anything, so Cactus ended up forgetting to get her any food. That was fine, she supposed. Folder didn't quite feel like eating at the moment anyways.

   The others were chatting a bit as they ate, although not very much. Nobody in this group really seemed to get along, but Folder was glad no loud fights have broken out. She wasn't really sure what they were talking about though, she wasn't paying attention.

   It's hard to just relax, eat McCornald's, and talk while locked in an unfamiliar place, told that terrible things would happen to you and there would be no escape. Folder figured everyone else was simply in denial, and that's how they were able to enjoy themselves, even slightly. It's probably what's keeping Folder herself from breaking down, too. Not quite denial, but disbelief. It's hard to believe this is really happening.

   She always knew Cactus was scary. Many others weren't convinced, but Folder was terrified. Sure, she was scared of everything back then, but how can you hear someone say they WANT to do horrible, evil things and not expect them to do it someday?! They say fear can turn you into a fool, but blind faith can do the same.

   Folder learned the hard way that you can't trust anyone. Cat Card left her to die. So much for friends. Now that Cat Card had completely cut Folder out of her life, there was no way she'd care or even notice that Folder was missing.

   "I'll always be there to protect you, Folder!" She remembered Cat Card saying many times, many months ago. She remembered all the times in her life she was scared of something, and Cat Card was there to reassure her. The only time Folder ever felt safe was when Cat Card was there to hold her hand and tell her things would be okay.

   And now, all of Folder's old fears became a reality. Rejected, abandoned, lost, and about to be tortured for eternity. Everything that could've gone wrong in Folder's life, did. What did she do to deserve this fate? Trusting her best friend to not abandon her? What else was she supposed to do?

   As much as Folder would like to blame Popcorn for this, it's really on Cat Card. Cat Card was the one who chose to abandon Folder in favor of Popcorn. A true friend would've stuck around, no matter what Popcorn said or did. It didn't matter how much of a dirty thief Popcorn was, Cat Card was the one who broke Folder's heart.

   The fact that Folder was the one being punished by this break up made her think that maybe she was the one who messed up, but she couldn't see how. All Cat Card had to do was be there, and she couldn't even do that. It wasn't Folder's fault that their friendship ended... it couldn't be...

   Then Folder remembered where she was. Who she was with. Him. If Folder had to be trapped in an inhumane science lab for eternity, did it really have to be with him?

   Folder stared blankly at Stone, who didn't notice as he was too busy eating. Folder wasn't really sure what to think of him. Obviously, she hated him. But at the same time, everything he said turned out to be true. He claimed he was trying to help, and although Folder despised his methods, technically he did help. Help Folder see the truth, that Cat Card hated her.

   But she couldn't ever thank Stone for that. No, she hated him so much, she almost wanted to blame him for Cat Card abandoning her, even though that couldn't be true. Folder severely doubted that Stone even cared about her issues in the first place. No, he only got involved to watch this drama unfold. At least, Folder thinks so. She couldn't really see why else someone would do that.

   Stone is just as sick as Cat Card in Folder's opinion, only Cat Card has the luxury of once being Folder's friend. Stone has always been the enemy. Always hurt Folder. And now, they were stuck together here. Folder wasn't sure what she would do if she had to talk to him, which was unfortunately likely, as there's only four people here, including herself.

   "Hey, Folder?" Folder gasped as she turned to look at Coughdrop, who decided to sit next to her. "I noticed you didn't have any food, like Spork. Want some of my fries?"

   "L-Like Spork...?" Folder looked at the group and noticed a few fries sitting in front of Spork. "Ummm..." She decided not to question that. "I'm not really.. th-that hungry..."

   "It's not much anyway," Coughdrop shrugged. "Fries are all I can offer unfortunately. Already ate my burger. But it's sad if you're the only one not eating!" He held out his fries to Folder. "Just try a few, and if you don't like it, I'll back off."

   Folder blinked, then cautiously grabbed a fry. "Th-thanks...?"

   Coughdrop smiled. "No problem, bro! If we're really stuck together, then we have to look out for each other!"

   Folder felt like she died inside hearing those words. Looking out for each other... as if she could trust anyone to do such a thing for her anymore. As if she could trust these people specifically to do that for her.

   Looking at Coughdrop, though, who offered her food when he could've easily ignored her like everyone else... Folder ate the fry she was holding. She wasn't sure if she could trust anyone, no matter how innocent Coughdrop seemed. Cat Card had seemed so nice and helpful, too. Folder wouldn't make the same mistake again.

   Accepting food from Coughdrop was okay. Folder just had to make sure she didn't get attached. That she didn't ever believe he would stick by her. She just had to not fully trust him. Accepting any help offered is fine, but she would never seek the help. That would only result in rejection.

   Coughdrop smiled warmly at Folder as she continued to thoughtlessly chew on fries. Why was he so happy? Did he think he was earning her trust? Was he planning on using it against her? Folder tried not to think about that. She wouldn't let herself be fooled, so she shouldn't worry about such things.

   "ATTENTION TEST SUBJECTS!" Cactus's voice rang through the intercom, startling Folder, and everyone else for that matter. "I have decided, that tomorrow is the day we finally start with the experiments!"

   "But we just got here, like, today.." Air Mattress complained.

   "So you want to sit around and do nothing for days?" Cactus questioned.

   "Yes. What about me makes you think otherwise?" Air Mattress raised an eyebrow.

   "Well, TOO BAD! We start tomorrow." Cactus declared. "So get some sleep! You'll want to be well rested for...


Experiment 25 - a Generic Object Battle fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz