🪨5🪨 Truthfully, it's Because I'm Bored.

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Subjects 4 and 5 were tested together today. They really don't seem to get along! This experiment was inspired by that one experiment where a guy is left with nothing to do except shock himself, and he does it, just because he's bored! I put my own, EVIL twist on it! Things turned out differently than I expected, but it seems things will be fun tomorrow...

   Stone found room 2 quite easily, it was practically right outside the door. Once Coughdrop and Air Mattress went into room 1, Stone entered room 2. He didn't really want to, but he figured there wasn't really any choice.

   It was another empty, small white room. After walking inside, he turned back and looked at the doorway, which had Folder standing in it.

   "Well? Come on." Stone said, waving her inside. Folder glared at him, but entered. Strange. She's gained such a temper recently.

   The door shut behind Folder, and Cactus's voice came through a speaker. "Welcome, 4 and 5! Welcome to Experiment 25-2! I will now explain how this experiment will work."

   Stone examined the room. It was pretty much empty. There were some grooves in the walls that could potentially open up to something, as well as cameras around the ceiling, but other than that, totally empty.

   "First of all, those bracelets you have... they're shock collars!" Folder gasped as Cactus revealed this information. She tried removing the bracelet, with no luck. "Don't worry though! I won't be shocking you."

   "So then... what's the point of these?" Stone asked. He didn't want to waste time with building suspense. "Get to the point."

   Cactus growled. "Shut up, mortal! I'll do things at whatever pace I like!" She cleared her throat. "This will be a simple experiment. Once the light on your bracelets turns red, you'll be able to push it like a button. If you do so, it will shock the other person."

   Stone and Folder looked at each other. Folder wouldn't shock Stone... right? He watched as she nervously looked down at her bracelet, and tried pressing the green light. It didn't budge.

   "...That's it." Cactus stated. "That's the whole experiment. I won't force you two to do anything, except stay here together the whole day. GOOD LUCK!"

   "The whole day?!" Folder exclaimed. "Y-you can't be serious!"

   There was no response from Cactus. Perhaps she immediately moved on to a different task after finishing that announcement. Or maybe she just didn't care about responding to Folder. Both made sense to Stone.

   Suddenly, the lights on their bracelets turned red. This supposedly meant that they could now shock each other.

   "...Should I test it?" Stone smirked. Folder glared at him.

   "L...Let's not... do anything stupid..." Folder said. "We should just... each pick a corner and stay in it. And not talk. Or push buttons."

   "Really, Folder, that's your plan?" Stone raised an eyebrow at her, then shook his head, disappointed. "Always trying to avoid facing your problems..."

   Folder glared at Stone again. "This is different." She said sternly. "This is some stupid experiment where Cactus expects us to... I don't know... hurt each other for fun or get into a fight or something. Let's not give her that satisfaction."

   Stone hummed. She had a point. "But we're going to be stuck together for the whole day. In fact," he feigned a look of innocence. "I think we might be stuck together forever! In this stupid lab!"

   Folder grimaced. "Shut up... I know that already... it doesn't mean we have to talk..."

   Stone studied Folder. She was containing her rage, but it was still clearly there. "You seem to have a problem with me though. I'd hate to see that eat you up inside just because you'll avoid talking to me."

Experiment 25 - a Generic Object Battle fanficWhere stories live. Discover now