Chapter 2: A Half-Giant Player in a Small Pond of a Game

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You know, with all the perverts in the RWBY fandom which I got to admit, is understandable, especially by its ENF videos, I am this eager to some more RWBY hentai and wanting to have Team RWBY be having a foursome with the main protagonist or even each other.

You know, cause if there is one thing I do not criticized in regards towards cliches and being all edgy, it's harem because I am a pervert who love me some lemonades because that is what I truly am.

With that all being said, let's get right in to the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY and Overlord (2012) and for the most part, the image of Ozen the Immovable from Made in Abyss. They belong to their respective owners.


Amber stirred, a soft groan emitting from her parted lips as she blinked her eyes open. Her vision hazy at first before it swam into focus to reveal stone walls with orange light dancing along them.

"Where..." she whispered as she looked around, seeing that she was inside a small cave with a fire burning close by.

"Finally, you're awake. Thought you would be dead." The Fall Maiden whipped around hearing the voice, hissing in pain and holding her midsection when the movement agitated her injuries. "Go ahead. Try to hurt yourself a little more. Treat all my efforts be for nothing."

Blinking back a couple of tears, looked up and stare at the incredibly tall, if not kind of slender woman wearing a black uniform of sort while also wearing a black cloak over her body.

Her face seemed to be utterly pale as a corpse with her black hair being rather smoothed over and a tinged of white appear on both sides like she has horns or something.

Overall, the woman before her is tall and intimidating to the core of which made Amber a little intimidated, actually.

"Well..." The woman said in a seemingly dead tone in her voice, "Aren't you gonna say something? You could at least say thank you to your saviour or something?"

Amber's eyes started to open wide as she realized something, "You... You're the one that saved me."

The woman seemed to grunt at this and said, "Hmph, good to know that you recognised me. What is missing is if you are being grateful or whatever."

Amber seemed to realised as she lightly cough and said awkwardly, "Sorry about that..." She then cleared her throat, "Thank you. For saving my life back there."

"Likewise." She said as her expression is still as dead as a corpse itself, "So, are you still okay from that injury you had? Don't look at me if I know anything about having medical experience."

Amber then looked at her wrapped shoulder and as she give a little rotation on her body, started to wince a little bit, "It's still sore, thought. But I believe my Aura can take care of that."

The woman just lightly scoffed and said, "You are very lucky indeed that arrow hadn't punctured anything important like maybe your heart or whatever. Hate it when all that effort saving you be for nothing." She then looked at Amber again and said, "Call me curious but why are they after you again? Did you do something really naughty in the past that I want to know about?"

Amber blushed at the wording and then frowned at what she said, glaring at her as if she had done something wrong, 'Still, if this woman knows that I am the Fall Maiden, then at least that's fortunate.' With that, Amber just said, "It's none of your business."

The woman seemed to just smile that just unnerved her as she then said, "Whatever. And you're right. It ain't my business, anyway. Besides, like I give a shit." She said in a very nonchalant manner.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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