Chapter 4 - Conniving Cult

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In the lush valley they lay, the sun shining bright, and the air crisp and gay. The surroundings were soothing to their souls as they rested and sang, with their voices so bold.

Max had composed a tune, so sweet and so light, while Howard's powerful voice boomed with might. Dr. Bleep joined in, with his keyboard app on his phone, and together they made music, a sweet melody to hone.

"I swam alone beneath the waves,
A beast with nothing but pain to claim.
My kin, they teased and pushed me down,
Said I was weak, and wore a frown.

But then I met a T-Rex, oh so rare,
A leaf-eating dino, a friendship rare.
Together we roamed the land and sea,
Unlikely friends, forever free.

Thanks to the human who joined my quest,
A scholar, who saw beyond my scaly crest.
He taught me of love and hope and more,
And helped me find a way to soar.

I never thought I'd find a family here,
But with them, I face no fear.
Though my blood may be cold and blue,
I know now that love will see me through.

So we swim and walk with our new kin,
Sharing love and joy, let the fun begin!
Our story may be strange and odd,
But in the end, love is the true god."

Howard took a deep breath, his smile so wide.

"Dr. Bleep, I cannot thank you enough," he cried. "For helping me find a home so safe and sound, among creatures so wonderful, it truly astounds."

Dr. Bleep smiled back, his eyes full of glee, "The pleasure is mine, truly it be. You're one of a kind, a true gem to behold, part of our family, forever to hold."

Max chimed in, his voice so clear and bright, "I too must thank you, Dr. Bleep, with all my might. You made an effort to understand me, the best thing that's ever happened to me in this restrained sea."

Dr. Bleep grinned, so happy and content, "I'm glad I could help you both, with good intent. To have you both in my life is such a treasure, From now on, we'll share love and joy in great measure!"

Just then, They heard a screeching sound, oh so loud, from the nearby jungle, they all vowed. Stopping their music, they turned to see.

"What's that?" asked Howard, with sheer curiosity.

Dr. Bleep's eyes widened, "It can't be," he said, trailing off and shaking his head.

Another screeching sound, and a faint voice, they quickly gathered, but not to rejoice.

Heading towards the noise, Howard carried Max's bowl.

As they got closer, they saw a cult group, not a pleasant goal. Velociraptors in a circle, with a woman in vines, wrapping her tight, in dangerous confines.

To his great joy, Dr. Bleep saw her there.

Limué, his love, with bright face so fair!

Tears filled his eyes, as he realized how much he missed her presence, her love, oh how he wished.

"Limué!" he cried out, his heart filled with delight.

She looked up, her eyes widening with light.

"Barty! H-how did you find me?" she said,

"I'll always find a way, I can't lose you," he pled.

Her eyes were watery, as she looked at him so sweet.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the time machine," with a beat.

Dr. Bleep smiled, "It doesn't matter now, I'm just glad to have you back, but not so safe and sound..."

"CUT IT!" bellowed Kormak, the cult leader of the raptors, his voice echoing through the jungle. "You both disgust me, oh my fur and feathers! And yes, I have many!"

Kormak was a colossal, sinewy raptor with teeth as sharp as swords, and eyes that blazed with an alarming intensity. He let out a mighty, savage roar, that made the trees tremble.

Dr. Bleep rushed forward, his heart beating like a drum. "What, pray tell, do you desire of us?"

The raptor stepped forward, its talons clicking on the ground. "We crave knowledge of the future, good sir. We have heard from this woman that you are the most skilled scientist in all the land and time, and we are willing to trade with you."

Dr. Bleep swallowed hard, his mind racing. "What sort of trade do you propose?"

Kormak replied, "We have captured this damsel here and are willing to release her to you, in exchange for advice on how we can avoid extinction."

Dr. Bleep hesitated, his conscience tugging at him. "I must ponder this, for what is fated to be, shall be. It is not within my power to alter the course of nature!"

The velociraptor sneered, "If you do not want to give us an answer, then this woman here will become our sacrifice to the gods who'll save us from extinction!"

"You're insane!" exclaimed Limué, attempting to break free from the vines tied around her but the raptors had her surrounded with spears and bows. "I'd tear you all limb from limb if there weren't hundreds of you demented turkeys"

The velociraptor sneered, its eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "If you will not grant us an answer, fair sir, then this woman here shall be offered as a sacrifice to the gods, who shall deliver us from impending doom!"

"You are mad!" cried Limué, struggling against the vines that bound her. But the raptors had her surrounded with their spears and bows, and she could not break free. "I would rend you all asunder, were you not so numerous, you demented turkeys!"

The raptors circled Limué, tapping their spears upon the ground in a rhythm that grew into a pulsing beat. And as they danced around their captive, Kormak began to sing in a voice that could only have been born of Dr. Bleep's darkest nightmares:

"The gods above have spoken true,
Their hunger for our blood imbued,
To spare us from our wretched fate,
We offer up the human's plate.

Their sacrifice shall grant us breath,
To live once more in ancient depth,
To reign supreme with power untold,
And thrive in ages yet unfold.

So let us call upon the gods,
And raise our voices with fierce nods,
For human blood will save our race,
And keep us from eternal space.

We pledge our lives unto this cause,
With steadfast hearts and sharpened claws,
For dinosaurs must never fall,
We'll fight until we conquer all."

So the velociraptors fled in haste, their captive Limué in tow they chased, leaving Dr. Bleep, Howard, and Max with a dilemma that did their minds tax.

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