Chapter 7 - Starving Squid

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The trio went on with their journey, riding the inflatable boat propelled by a portable fan (that's luckily big enough to fit Howard on it) to the Raptor Island. The pterodactyls waved at them good bye along the way, to whom Max stuck his tongue out in response. Dr. Bleep can also see the butterflies within the foliage that appear to watch them as they go.

Dr. Bleep had traversed many a stormy sea and braved the roughest of waters. Yet, on this fateful day, as he set his eyes upon the vast expanse of the sea, he was struck with a sense of profound unease. For the sea lay still and silent, with a strange and unnatural calm that seemed to defy all reason.

Dr. Bleep rubbed his eyes in disbelief, wondering if this was some ghastly dream. But no, the ocean remained unnervingly tranquil, with barely a ripple to be seen. It was as if the very soul of the sea had somehow drifted off to slumber, leaving behind a lifeless husk of water.

As they drifted along, Dr. Bleep was lost in thought, scribbling notes in his journal, while Howard munched on some seaweed and Max swam circles around his bowl. Suddenly, the peace was shattered by a deafening roar that shook the boat to its core.

Dr. Bleep's head snapped up, his eyes widening in alarm. He knew that sound could not be natural. And then, without warning, something slammed into the hull, rocking the boat violently.

"What was that?!" exclaimed Dr. Bleep, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I can make wild guesses..." said Max, his tiny voice shaking with fear. "... None of which are pleasant!"

"Well pick the least disturbing!" said Howard, who struggled to maintain his balance on the rocking boat.

Dr. Bleep stumbled, grabbing onto the railings to stay upright. He shouted in alarm and fear, not understanding what was happening - and then, he saw it.

"The least disturbing guess would be a crazed nautilus!" said Max, who was pushing his fishbowl to the back of the boat.

A massive, writhing tentacle had risen from the depths, snaking over the side of the boat. Dr. Bleep and Howard instinctively scrambled back, frantically trying to get away from the monstrous appendage.

Dr. Bleep had heard the tales of the great giant squid- the creature that dwelled deep beneath the waves that is said to inspire tales about the fabled Kraken.

But he never expected to encounter the squid- not like this.

More tentacles emerged, each one longer and thicker than any tree trunk. Dr. Bleep saw that the squid was wrapping itself around his boat, pulling it down towards the depths.

"Stop that cephalopod!" yelled Max, his tiny voice shaking with fear, as he swam back and forth in his bowl.

Howard kicked at the tentacles, his mighty strength no match for the creature's tenacious grip.

"How are we going to stop this thing?!" he roared, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Panic set in as Dr. Bleep realized that, with meager supplies, a vegetarian dinosaur, and a tiny mosasaur, there was no way they could fight this beast. This was the moment when he realized that their unique traits had become their very own weaknesses.

"HELP!" he shouted, his voice ringing out across the sea, but he knew it was futile. They were too far from land, and no one was around to hear their desperate cries.

The squid continued to pull, dragging the boat and the trio down into the dark and treacherous depths of the sea. Dr. Bleep knew that they had only moments left before they were swallowed whole by the hungry monster.

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