Chapter 11 - Dealing With Dad

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After a few weeks, Bartemius found himself at the crossroads. For weeks he had pondered and wondered, until he realized that he could no longer live without adventure. The mundane life of societal demands was no longer enough for him, he craved the thrill of pushing boundaries and uncovering new secrets.

And so, with a heart full of courage, he made a bold decision. He would leave his job behind and begin to study paleontology, for it was in the study of the ancient that he found his true passion.

But alas, his father was not pleased. He was confronted by the man, who could not comprehend his son's desire to pursue such a thing.

Bartemius stood before the man, his heart pounding in his chest, for he knew that what he was about to say would not be well received. But he had to speak his truth.

"I know that you wish for me to focus on planarians and microorganisms, but my heart yearns for something else. I want to study Paleontology," Bartemius said with firmness in his voice. "This is my passion, and I shall not let it be trampled upon!"

But alas, his father's face contorted into a scowl. "Paleontology? Are you quite mad, my boy? You wish to become a starving slump, digging up old bones in the dirt?"

Bartemius felt his frustration begin to boil over. "It is not always about money, Father. It is about finding joy in what you do. And I am certain that if I work hard enough, I can make a career out of my passion."

But his father remained unconvinced. "This is utter nonsense, Bartemius. You must think practically, and consider the financial consequences of your actions. You cannot simply follow your dreams blindly."

Bartemius took a deep breath, summoning all his courage.

Once upon a time, Bartemius found himself summoning all the courage he could muster. For he knew that what he was about to say would not be well received. But he had to speak his truth.

"What is more blind than a man who forgets himself to adhere to the words of others?" Bartemius spoke with conviction. "You gave up your dream of studying dinosaurs because Grandfather said there was more money in tinkering with nuts and bolts. And now, you wish for me to do the same? I shall not make that mistake. I refuse to let others dictate my happiness."

At first, his father's eyes widened with surprise, and Bartemius thought he had gone too far. But then his father's expression softened.

"Very well. Do as you wish. You are old enough to make your own decisions. But mark my words, if you come crying to me or your mother, I shall give you the sharpest 'I told you so' face!" his father warned.

Bartemius felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Father."

His father placed a hand on his shoulder. "I may not approve of the path you have chosen, but I am nonetheless proud of you for standing up for yourself. That is something I failed to do in my youth."

Bartemius smiled, feeling a great weight lifted off his shoulders. "You were never a failure to me."

He then handed his father the gauntlets, remembering how he had used them to save his beloved Limué. The old man's eyes widened in astonishment at the invention.

As his father held the laser gauntlets in his hands, he spoke with a sense of nostalgia.

"I recall the time when I had just finished inventing these," his father began. "I was so eager to show them to my colleagues and investors, but they simply laughed and dismissed them as mere toys, too childish to be of any real value."

Bartemius felt a pang of sympathy for his father. "That must have been difficult for you," he said softly.

His father nodded. "It was. But despite the ridicule and condemnation of others, I still held my invention in high esteem. For to me, it represented the power of imagination and the ability to make a difference in the world."

Bartemius felt a sense of pride for his father's unwavering belief in his creation.

"I treasure this invention of yours more than you think," Bartemius said. "It has taken me to places I never thought possible, and it has brought me back to my home."

As the son looked into his father's eyes, he saw a glimmer of tears that the older man tried to hide by swiftly wiping them away. But the overwhelming emotion of the moment was impossible to contain, and his face lit up with a radiant smile that emanated pure joy.

In that moment, Bartemius knew that he had won not only did he win his passion, but also the support and love of his father. And he felt more confident than ever in pursuing his dreams.

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