Chapter 5: A Disguise

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The bell rang, it's lunchtime. Whirlwind and Polar turned to each other, and nodded before getting into position. Whirlwind is in the cash register, while Polar is still in the kitchen, getting the food out, fresh and hot from the oven. Then, all of the students exited out of the classrooms and rushed to the cafeteria like hungry animals and each collected their trays. After picking out their foods, they approached the cash register where Whirlwind is. Knowing there's a line, she took a deep breath, and greeting the first student with a smile.

Whirlwind: Name and ID.

???: Giggles. 917345

The unicorn typed on the keyboards, and successfully managed to get the credits from the girl.

Whirlwind: You are all set.

Giggles: Thank you!

The girl then walked alway to the table and sat down, waiting for her friends. Polar is in the kitchen, gathering all of the food she can find. She happen to see Arctic walking with the faculty members to an empty table. They brought their own lunches, so they don't bothering getting something from the cafeteria. They all started a conversation after they sat down.

Arctic: So, in science class, all of the students are gonna plant their own bat flower at home. Trust me Pop, this flower is really rare, I hope they all take good care of their flower.

Pop: That's really surprising Arctic. Honestly, all of the students like you for being a really great teacher.

Arctic: Yeah, just like Monika. She's their favorite math teacher.

Monika: Technically, he's not wrong, they are learning the substitution method this week. This is Monika's writing tip of the day! 

Pop: Yuri, how are things in the library going?

Yuri: Well...everything is totally fine. Petunia stopped by and checked out a book about flowers. Must be for the bat flower I think.

Arctic: Yeah, Petunia is my best student. She adores flowers a lot.

Yuri: That's really sweet, Natsuki stopped by and gave me a cupcake.

Natsuki: True. Only because I wanted her to give my baking skills a perfect score.

Yuri: It's 10/10 by the way.

Natsuki: Noted!

Pop: How are things with Whirlwind and Polar?

Arctic: Well...

Arctic turned his head to see Polar serving food to the students. She catch his glimpse and waved as Arctic waved her back. He did the same for Whirlwind too while she managed to get the student's credit. 

Arctic: They are doing a great job substituting the lunch ladies! Sayori, how's history class going?

Sayori: We are working on the Vietnam war, Flaky isn't really-...

Out of the blue, Sayori's stomach started to growl.

Sayori: Oh, I better eat something right now... We'll talk later!

Pop: Okay, no worries!

Without further a do, the faculty takes out their lunch from the bag and begins to eat their food. As they are eating, a few students got up from their table and went to their lockers. As soon as she opened her locker, she let out a horrifying scream as everyone looked up and are shocked. The redhead is covered by fake cobwebs, and fake spiders on herself from head to toe. They all came from her locker, seeing how real they look, she freak out.


Giggles: Calm down Flaky, they are not real!

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