Chapter 6: An Undercover Date

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Arctic: They are doing a great job substituting the lunch ladies!

Whirlwind: You are all set.

Giggles: Thank you!

Polar: Freeze Blade texted me... He told me that if I DIDN'T ARRIVE to Chef Pepper Jack's. He's gonna kidnap and put Breeze and Drobit for... RANSOM!

Whirlwind: What if we have someone disguised as Polar, so that way, she won't be able to go on a date with her ex!

Polar: That's impossible. We can't just find and bring a duplicate version of me.

Monika: Actually, there is.

Roxanne: Right this way. We have someone who wants to change her look.

Mangle: What makes you come here and ask for a makeover?

Whirlwind: She didn't want him anymore, or go on a date with him. He knows where we live.

Glamrock Chica: If you are not ready, we can always schedule it tomorrow!

Whirlwind: Who says we can do tomorrow? I'm always ready!

Roxanne: Great! Now, go take a seat in that chair and take off your makeup and accessories.

Whirlwind: OMG! I look exactly like my sister!

Toy Chica: Go to Chef Pepper Jack's and do the undercover date!

Whirlwind: Will do! Thank you for all of your help! It means me and Polar a lot!


Polar: (Sigh) What's taking them so long? Are you sure this is a good idea, Monika?

Monika: Don't worry about it, Polar. She's gonna be here in no-.

Whirlwind: Hey ladies!

Both Polar and Monika turned their heads and is surprised to see, Whirlwind! But, she looks different! She looks just like Polar! Except she's wearing a wig, her horn is colored in a light shade of gray, and all of her skin went from blue to white, and parts of her wings are icy blue. Her hot pink contacts have shined her eyes.

Polar: Whirlwind? Is that you?

Whirlwind: My name is, Polar now!

Polar: Haha! No way! If that's your real name!

Monika: Honestly, I really can't tell which one is the real Polar! I can't wait to show this to my friends!

Polar: Now's not the time, we need to head to Chef Pepper Jack's because we have 20 minutes left! Whirlwind, you know what to do?

Whirlwind: Yep! Thank you for letting me wear your clothes!

Polar: Your welcome, good thing I already changed. I also brought a hat and sunglasses so he won't see me.

Monika: Same for me!

Arctic: Me too! Hopefully Freeze Blade won't know we are spying on him and Polar!

Polar: What?

Arctic: Whirlwind! I mean!

Polar: Okay, enough chit-chat! Let's not waste any time left! Let's head straight to Chef Pepper Jack's!

As Polar said, Whirlwind, Monika, and Arctic left the PizzaPlex and Arctic walked to his car, while the girls entered Monika's. It takes about 7 minutes for them to arrive the restaurant. As everyone got out of the car with their disguises, Polar turned to her sister who now takes her identity.

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