chapter 1 //

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Anna's Point of View

(Age: 13)

        "We need to get pork, and a chicken, then go back out and get some pepper's." My mom said looking around for everything. I crinkled my nose. The flea market has probably the most disgusting variety of meat ever. I don't eat meat anyways but seeing rabbit, and pigs feet is just even more disgusting. While my mom paid for a Chicken she found I wandered off. I walked around looking at different varieties of fruit and vegetables until I reached a spot where a boy, about my age was standing. He looked at me, or I guess I should say stared 'till a lady holding onto a pastel pink leash attached to a cute little Yorkie's collar walked by. I smiled and took out my camera taking a picture of them as they walked by. I giggled watching it's little feet pat quickly on the wood floor. I put my camera away and looked back up to see the boy closer. Not far but not right beside me. I laughed and tilted my head to the side confused. He smiled and walked towards me. 

        "At least I'm not the only one getting distracted by a dog." He said when he stood in front of me. He had pointed at my camera and I laughed again. "I'm Colton."

        "I'm Anna." He smiled at me motioning for me to walk somewhere with him. 

        "So what-ch-ya doing here?" He asked as he hopped onto a concrete curb. He looked down at me and smiled. "Look, now I'm the height of a regular teenage boy!" He said making me laugh. 

        "My mom is having a party tonight so she needs stuff."

        "What kind of stuff?" He asked holding his arms out for balance. 

        "She said she needed pork, chicken, and some peppers." He jumped off of the curb and stood in front of me. He's pretty cute. He has a nice smile and dimples. His hair didn't go in any certain direction, just fell wherever it wanted to go. It was perfect for someone who obviously didn't do anything to it. 

        "Cool, my mom said she needed stuff to make a pie, she is going to a party tonight." He said sighing. He put his hands in his pockets. "I have to come with her because she said it's important or something." 

        "I should probably go back to my mom." I said about to walk away. 

        "Wait!" He said pulling my arm. "Do you have a cell phone?" He asked. I frowned and shook my head. He frowned. "I don't either, well do you have a pen?" He asked. I nodded bending over to pull out of my boot. 

        "I always keep a pen in my boot for situations like this well not exactly like this cause I don't have guys asking me all the time for a pen." I said without taking a breath. I knew what he was going to do, I knew he wanted my phone number and wanted to give me his. I'm not popular, I'm not the coolest girl that has all the guys lusting over her. I have never had a boyfriend and never kissed a boy, let alone a boy want my number. I was nervous and shy now.

        "Really?" He said laughing. He looked me up and down and I tugged on my jacket to cover my stomach. "Well, here give me your arm." He said holding out his hand. I held out my arm as he wrote the numbers down on it and then looked back up at me. "And yours?" He asked. I blushed and took the pen from his hand and quickly wrote it down. 

        "There." I said smiling and putting the pen back in my boot. He smiled back and looked over the number. "I'm gonna be honest, probably won't call you." I said blushing again. He laughed. 

        "Then I'll call you, but please tell me you just mean this one time." He looked like he almost didn't want to hear the answer. I shrugged. 

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