chapter 3 //

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Anna's Point Of View

        After dinner I went into the living room and sat down on the couch. My brother Cody walked in and sat down on my legs. I laughed and sat up straight pushing him off. 

        "Wanna play Call of duty?" He asked. I laughed and shrugged. Never played it in my life. 

        "Sure." I said as he handed me a controller. I looked at it and shook my head. "You have to teach me you know." I am not a gamer girl. I just have never been into video games. Of course I've never really tried them, who knows maybe I could be the best gamer in the world. Cody nodded and sat down beside me until Colton walked in. 

        "Why doesn't Colton just help you." He said setting the game up. I shook my head at Cody hopping Colton wouldn't see, but he did.. He looked down at his feet and sat on the other couch. I felt kind of bad, I always feel bad for people I shouldn't feel bad for. I consider this one of those times. "Come on Anna." Cody said in my ear. I shook my head. 

        "Will you just help me." I said to him. He rolled his eyes and told me everything there is to know about the game and how to play it. I did look over at Colton sometimes to see him playing with my dog Sydney. I wasn't even paying attention to what Cody was saying half the time. Of course I missed Colton. I tried not to because it only made me sad, thinking about how he forgot about me. 

        "Get it?" Cody asked I looked away from Colton who was now sitting on the floor and playing tug of war with Sydney. 

        "Yeah." I nodded and shooed him away so we could play. I was just going to wing it. 

        "Come here." Colton said waving his hand to his lap. I smiled and stood up about to sit down beside him but he pulled me onto his lap instead. He wrapped his arms around me shifting around so he was comfortable. Then he picked up the controller and held it in front of me. "Take it, I'll help you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and took it in my hands and he placed his on top of mine. "Click this button to start." He said moving my thumb to the 'x' button. I pressed down on it and waited for the game to start. 

        "Anna, pay attention!" Cody yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. I sighed at the memory and looked at Colton who was looking back at me and then to the t.v. screen. I had forgotten which buttons to click so I just randomly started clicking some. All of a sudden Cody groaned and looked at me with irritated eyes. I laughed confused. 


        "You killed me." 

        "Oh, well isn't that the point?" I frowned. 

        "No, I'm on your team." He said setting the controller down. I laughed and shrugged putting my controller on the table. The doorbell rang and Cody stood up to go answer the door. I picked the controller back up and looked at it. 

        "You know if this was pink I'd probably use it a lot more and be better at this game!" I yelled so Cody could hear me. I heard a small chuckle and turned to look at Colton.

        "I remember when you hated the colour pink." He said smiling at me. I sighed and stood up and turned to walk into the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and got a cup. I walked over to the fridge and took out the water filter. I only drink water if it's been in the fridge and filtered. Tap water makes me wanna throw up I don't know why. "I also remember you don't drink tap water." Colton said making me jump.

        "But you don't remember I don't like surprises." I said angrily while turning around to look at him. He frowned at me and rolled his eyes. 

        "I did remember but your mom really wanted to surprise you I tried telling her but.. Nothing worked." He put his hands in his pockets and I walked past him to go to my room but he grabbed my arm. "The guys are here... I wanted you to meet them." He said with hope in his eyes. I could honestly careless about that band right now but I'm bound to meet them sometime. I sighed and walked into the living room. Colton followed behind me and I walked over to the couch that everyone was sitting at. I waved then walked away but Colton grabbed my arm again. "I meant actually say hi." He whispered in my ear. I pulled my arm away and turned to the couch they all sat on. 

        "Hi." I said bitterly. They all looked at me as if I had 4 heads. A really tall guy wearing a beanie stood up and placed his arm on my shoulders. 

        "So this is the Anna you'd never shut up about." He said shaking me around like a rag doll without even knowing. I took a deep breath and kept from ripping his arm off me and yelling at him. I looked at Colton and he looked at me confused when suddenly a light bulb appeared above his head. 

        "She doesn't like people touching her... Unless she's comfortable around you, she just met you.." He said taking the guys arm off me. He nodded and held his hand out. 

        "I'm Anthony by the way." I still don't like handshaking but I shook his hand anyways. I don't want them to think I'm a total bitch. 

        "I'm... Anna." I said shrugging. He already knew my name but I didn't know what else to say. Everyone else started standing up and I shook their hands too. Thomas was the one with an interesting yet amazing sense of fashion, Joey was the darkest skinned one wearing a snap back, and Eric was the one wearing hipster glasses. I sat down on the couch beside Cody which also had Eric to my left. 

        "Why don't you seem happy, we all thought you'd be happy to see Colton again." He asked. I frowned and shrugged. 

        "I don't like surprises.. Especially when they aren't good ones." I said the last part under my breath but I knew he heard anyways. He looked at me with a strange look on his face, confusion, but also interest. "He forgot about me." I blurted out to him. He looked at me in even more confusion.

        "Forgot about you!" He yelled. I looked at him with a stern look and he moved his hand to his mouth. "He never shut up about you Anna." He said quietly to me. I shook my head. 

        "Then he wouldn't have stopped talking to me." I said. 

        "Trust me Anna, I don't think Colton would forget about you even if he tried." I rolled my eyes and looked at the t.v. NML was on when suddenly. 

        "Hell yeah!" 

        I looked over at Eric and he smiled wide. Anthony jumped up from his seat and Joey followed him shortly after. "We're on NML!" They yelled together. I smiled and looked at Eric again. He jumped up and pulled me up with him. pulling me in a quick and short hug. He flung me around like a rag doll too but I don't know, I think I'm already getting used to them all. Thomas came over and picked me and in a hug and set me down shortly after. Colton and my brother were staring at the t.v. in awe when Colton looked up at me smiling. He cocked his head to the side as if asking if he could hug me. I was tempted to since this was a big moment for them, but I couldn't. I sighed and turned around to go down to my room. I felt pretty bad. I don't care how mad I am at him I still should have been happy for him. Even though he forgot me, doesn't mean I had to. 

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