chapter 4 //

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Anna's Point Of View

        I had been listening to Ed Sheeran non stop for about and hour now. I replayed songs, I don't care, Ed Sheeran is an artist that makes me feel better, he's perfect and he's amazing. His songs are just so poetic and perfect and tell an amazing story every time. So much better than all that Nicki Minaj crap and LMFAO. I felt my headphones being moved and they fell onto the bed. I turned around confused and saw Eric. 

        "Colton's sad, really sad, more sad than he was before, I've never seen him this sad before." 

        "Okay, I get it he's sad, I am too." I raised my voice, not to loud because I'm not a yeller, I just wanted him to shut up. I picked my headphones back up and was about to put them back on but Eric stopped me. 

        "No, go say sorry to him and give him a hug, be happy we were on t.v. but with him." I looked at Eric like he was crazy. Does he really think he can just tell me to do something and I'll obey like a little puppy. 

        "No, I don't have to." I said taking the headphones from him. He rolled his eyes. 

        "I can tell your stubborn." I shrugged.

        "Did Colton tell you that too." I snapped. He smirked.

        "Yeah." He said before walking out of my bedroom. I groaned and put my headphones on playing Ed Sheeran's Give Me Love. I turned it up louder and rested my head back. I took my headphones and put them back on. 

Colton's Point Of View

        I was sitting in the kitchen mix the ice cream around in my bowl. I didn't really want it anymore. I picked it up and turned on the hot water letting it melt the ice cream away. I set the bowl down in the sink and walked back to my seat. Eric was walking upstairs from the basement. He sat down beside me.

        "You okay?" He asked. I shook my head. He sighed and set his hand on my shoulder. "She's one stubborn girl, you have a lot of work to do if you want her to forgive you." He said smiling. I laughed and and nodded. 

        "And she doesn't like to be wrong either." I said sighing. Eric stood up and started walking into the living room. 

        "Come on Colton, don't just sink in the kitchen and sulk." I stood up and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch with Anthony and Thomas. Joey and Cody were playing Call of duty and we all just watched. Anna's mom walked in and smiled waving at everyone. 

        "Hello boys, I'm Melodie, Cody and Anna's mom, nice to finally meet you all." She said. Everyone said hello and waved at her. "Let me show you all where your staying." She said leading us up the stairs. There was a guest room is a big king sized bed. Anthony and Eric called that one. We left them to settle in and then got to Cody's room, Cody had a bunk bed for when friends slept over so Joey said he'd sleep there. Then Anna's mom said she could get an air mattress and put it in the room too so Thomas could sleep there. Everyone was getting settled in and I stopped Anna's mom to ask her something. 

        "What about me, I don't think Anna wants me to sleep in her room with her." I said. She frowned and sighed. 

        "Ask her, if not we will get another air mattress and you can sleep in the room with Anthony and Eric." She said. I nodded ad walked back downstairs to go talk to Anna. I knocked on her door and made sure not to open it so she doesn't get mad at me again. I sighed. she's probably listening to music and can't even hear me knocking. I knocked while slowly opening the door. She wasn't there. I opened it enough to see in her room and looked to see the door to her bathroom opening. She was wearing a towel and her brown hair was soaked and dripping on her arms and the floor. She looked at me with wide eyes and confusion. 

        "Sorry, but I'm supposed to share your room with you until we go to the cabin but if you don't want me to.." She groaned and I shifted on my feet not feeling very comfortable. She walked over to her dresser and picked up lotion and put a little on her hand. I walked up to her but not too close. I knew what should come next. She always used to do this. But she didn't. She didn't do what I thought she would do. She took a bit and rubbed it straight onto her cheek. I sighed and stood beside her taking her hand in mine. She looked at me like I was crazy. I took her other and and took her pointer finger and placed just the tip of her finger into the lotion. I looked up at her and moved her hand towards her face placing a dollop of lotion onto her nose. She looked at me almost as if she was hypnotized. I smiled and placed my hand on her cheek. She blinked and it was almost as if she snapped out of it. She moved back and pulled her hands away from mine wiping the access lotion onto her towel. 

        "I have to get dressed." She said turning around and walking over to her bed which had her clothes neatly laid out. She turned around to look at me and pointed to the door. "I don't care just let me get changed and then, I'll tell you where to sleep." She said unsure of her answer. I smiled and nodded walking out the door and closing it behind me. I smiled wider and walked back up the stairs. I sat down on the couch in the living room and looked at the time. 11:11. I smiled and closed my eyes. I wish Anna would forgive me.

Sorry this chapter was so short.

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