sleepovers (dialogue only)

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"Gee you can't keep doing this. You know it isn't good for you"

"What do you mean? You're literally doing it too. Plus you've never come at me for smoking so why are you telling me to stop vaping?"

"I'm not talking about the vape I don't give a shit about that, you know that. I'm talking about staying up late. This is the second day in a row that you've basically gone without sleep. You need to stop doing that. Give me the vape"


"You're not even gonna try and like, I dunno, explain or something? I mean come on you know exactly what I'm talking about"

"No I don't"

"Yeah you do. You have fucking meds for it and they're not gonna work if you don't sleep properly"

"They're not gonna work either way 'cause I don't fuckin' need 'em"

"Gee are you taking your meds?"

"I told you, I don't need them"

"Gee you have a fucking bipolar diagnosis what do you mean you don't need them"

"I mean I don't need them. I bet my mum bribed the doctors to give me a diagnosis so she can put me on meds"

"I'm sure she didn't"

"No no no I swear she did. I heard her talking to them"

"Sure. What did she say then?"

"She was all like 'please give it to him he needs them' and all that shit and she was complaining about how difficult I am the whole time"

"Did she say why you were difficult?"

"Yeah apparently I get really impulsive and reckless and I do stupid shit that she has to apologise for"

"Manic episode"



"No what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything"

"Yeah you did, you whispered something. You said something. What was it?"

"Fine, I said manic episode"

"I'm not bipolar! I don't get episodes and I don't need fucking lithium or whatever the fuck is in those pills. I don't need therapy and I don't need to moniter my sleep. I'm fucking fine"

"I really don't think you are gee, you need that therapy. Have you been going to therapy?"

"I just said I don't fucking need it, so why would I go?"

"Gee you need to fucking go. Look I'm tired I can't be arsed to argue about this. It's three AM, I'm going to sleep"

"Come on, already? It's so early. Last time we slept at, like, five"

"Exactly, and then four days later you got drunk and tried to jump off a bridge. Staying up late triggers episodes and you know that. Go to fucking sleep"

"What if I don't wanna sleep?"

"I'm gonna go to sleep, and then you'll get bored by yourself and then you'll fall asleep"

"You're actually no fun"

"Boohoo, go cry me a fucking river. Good night gee"

"Night Frankie. Before you sleep though I just wanna ask you one thing. Do you dream in colour?"

"I'm not answering that. Good night"

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