10| Excuse me?

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Claudia's POV

I woke up at last minute only to remember that the dragon stables were in the forbidden forest and I wouldn't have enough time to arrive on time even if I left right now, without changing. So rather than rushing out of the door, I took my time. I dressed in a black leather romper and rushed down the stairs from our dorms my leather heeled boots clicking and clacking on the way down. 

I don't miss the groups of people still sitting in the common room, but I'm in suck a hurry that I don't even realize that they aren't in class. I run through the common room and make my way to the portrait. "Claudia!" A voice calls out. 

"No time!" I call back. "I'm late!" The portrait wings open and I slide through. I run through the halls, not caring if I'm seen. A set of hands grabs my waist from behind and pulls me to a stop. I'm panting and trying to catch my breath as the culprit speaks. "Merlin. Do you realize how fast you are?" I scrunch my eye brows in confusion. I know that voice, but I don't know where. 

I turn around and take a step back. The boy I danced with last night is looking back at me. "Taylor?" His face breaks out into a smile that covers the width. "I wasn't sure that you would remember."

"I wasn't sure that I had." I admit. "But, umm, I really have to go. I'm late for Care Of Magical Creatures." He shakes his head. 

"No you're not. That's what I was trying to tell you. Class has been delayed today, Handlers get their own breakfast in the great hall right now."

"Oh. Thank you, I guess." I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll go eat then." 

"I'll Come with you." Taylor says, and I rush to reassure him. "You don't have to do that. I can eat on my own. I promise not to forget about anymore delays." Taylor chuckles. "I need to eat to, and I'm a beast handler as well." I tilt my head to the side and look at him as if his appearance could tell me if he's lying or not.

"I train pixies."

"Really? Pixies? What made you chose Pixies?" He gestures for me to begin walking and I do. "Pixies are rebellious and challenging. I do love a challenge." 

"I will keep that in mind."


Charlie's POV

I watch as Claudia walks in with Taylor Miller and I scowl. I hate the guy. He shows up at every event with his Pixies in cages. A proper handler would have control over the beast and be able to handle it outside of a cage. Then there is the fact that Miller is openly staring at her breasts, and Claudia hasn't even caught him. It makes me want to bash his face in. 

Still, I can't help but admire how good she looks today. Nearly everyone is hungover and Claudia looks as bright as a sunflower. The black leather looks amazing against her tanned skin, a complete contrast to her fathers own pale completion. Her dark red hair falls in ringlets around her face, making her look like a fallen angel in the leather. 

Claudia looked amazing last night as well. She wore a green evening gown with a heart shaped bodice. I wanted to dance with her so bad, but she kept being swept away by suiters. Taylor being one of them. I couldn't help but notice that his nose was halfway down her dress last night as well. Part of me can't help but wonder if she left the ball on his arm. It would have been an even bigger part of me, had Ginny not told me that Claudia was fast asleep when she got into the room last night. 

Suddenly I remember a deal that Claudia had made me. I get up out of my seat and make my way to Claudia.

When I reach the two of them, I find myself glaring down at Taylor. "Hello, Miller." His name sounds like venom in my mouth. 

Taylor clasps his hands in front of him, as both he and Claudia turn to look at me. "Ah. Weasley. How is your fire breathing beast?" Claudia looks at him confused. In those few seconds her body changes positions. Instead of standing next to Taylor and looking at me, she's standing next to me and looking at Taylor.

"It's called a dragon, Miller. Both Claudia and I have them." Claudia nods as if to back me up, when Taylor sends her a questioning look. "So, I see that you have done more than just hooking up." Taylor says, and I raise an eye brow as Claudia begins a coughing fit. "Excuse me?" She asks when she recovers.

"Oh, come on, you don't have to deny it. The whole school knows that you just met him and you've already been in his bed." Claudia raises her brows and take a couple of steps back to the Hufflepuff table. She picks up a glass of orange juice, before walking toward us again, and dumping the glass of him. "And what," She says, standing toe to toe with Taylor, "was the point of this?" she gestures between the two of them with there free hand.

Taylor cast a glance at me. I notice that we have begun to draw a crowd. "To see if I could have a turn." He's brave. I will give him that, but when Claudia begins backing up, she gives me just enough room to get between them, and I do. My fist connects with his face in a clash. 

I haven't taken my anger out on another person since the war, and all of my fury unleashes at once sending Taylor to the ground after one hit. I know that my knuckles with burn with an unending pain later, but right now, I can only think of Claudia. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and snatch up a muffin from a table before steering her out of the great hall.

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