32| I'm Coming For You

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Claudia's POV

It was a disappointment to me that McGonagall didn't show. If you had asked me two weeks earlier I would have said that she would have been the first person by my bedside, but instead, she stayed in her office dreaming up punishment for Taylor.

Though I hadn't been excused from any other classes that week, I was never alone. During class, Charlie was with me. Well, really Charlie was with me every moment whether I was awake or asleep. And when he couldn't be, I still wasn't alone.

Draco canceled his party for that Saturday and we all spent our nights in the girls dorm. Night after night Draco slept with Hermione, Harry slept with Ginny and Charlie slept with me. Ron, Fred, and Cash took up the floor.

Though Harry had made his apology to me and things between us were becoming more friendly, things with Cash were still slightly strained. I was more prone to forgiveness than he was. Cash always got revenge instead of forgiving those who had wronged him.

Taylor had received detention everyday for four weeks straight and had a ban placed on and balls that take place in that time, meaning that he would still be being punished until October sixteenth.

The ministry of magic had refused to do anything on the subject of Taylor. They left his punishment up to my aunt and I, though I had no desire to speak of him again.

Now, two weeks later, the biggest event on my mind was the fact that my dragon egg was going to hatch any minute.

Any spare second I had, I spent it in the cave with Charlie. I could feel that my egg was about to hatch. It was an exciting feeling as I watched the black and purple egg endlessly.

It became Aunt Minerva's top priority to get me out of the Gryffindor tower as soon as possible. In a days time I would leave the tower and make myself at home in my own room and a common room of my own as well.

This worried Charlie a bit. He was concerned that having my own room might cause me to fall victim to Taylor again, and I fixed the situation by ensuring him that he could stay with me whenever he wanted. It was comforting for the both of us.

The first three weeks at Hogwarts had passed in a blur and as we traveled through the fourth week, Quidditch practice became a must, as the first game was at the end of the week. Aunt Minerva had announced that the winning team would host a party in the great hall, so the entire Weasley family had been busy with the preparations and practicing. Mrs. Weasley pushed the staff to get things together for the pasty and Harry pushed his team to be perfect in hopes that the Gryffindor banner would be the one plastered on the walls of the great hall. 

It worked for me either way, as I got to watch Charlie play Quidditch in my free time. He was incredibly graceful on his broom I could easily see how he was a seeker in his days at Hogwarts. 


Taylor's POV

I watched Claudia from a distance. She was always surrounded by her little group of friends. The most frequent of her followers was Charlie Weasley. He and I had become a sort of friends in our years at Hogwarts. Then, when we had graduated we went our separate ways and lost touch.

Claudia, though, no matter how many years went by, I always knew where she was. The shy girl that I had watched in my years at Hogwarts became something else entirely when she graduated. Still, though I loved her with an endless passion. She was mine. Just as she is now.

She however, is confused. When I told her she was mine, she flinched. When I held her when she belonged, she fought me. I won't give up until she accepts me. Us. 

Claudia Lilith Snape is mine, and she always will be. The shy Slytherin has become a stunning Gryffindor, and I alone payed her attention through it all. We sat side by side in most of our lectures and she would conveniently forget her quill almost every time. I would offer up my extra and with a quick 'thanks' Claudia would go back to her studies. 

Soon, it became a goal of mine to have her. I began taking more of her things and offering them up as 'mine' when she asked to borrow one. 

Serving detentions had put a damper in my plan. I had calculated exactly when I needed to make my move, until McGonagall had come to me with a month full of detention. I was being punished for taking what was rightfully mine, and I was going to make Harry Potter pay for that. Him and Claudia's little band of followers. 

Then is clicked, and I suddenly knew exactly what to do. I would wait until the tensions had died down, and they thought that they were safe. Then, I would approach Claudia with an offer that she couldn't refuse. One that would insure that she would be by my side when the day was through. 

With enough scare and just a touch of aggression, Claudia Lilith Snape would be mine by the next full moon. 

I'm coming for you, I though, and there won't be any going back.


Taylor's POV was very difficult to write. I needed to make him sound crazy, but also like he believed that he was completely sane at the same time.

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