47 | Slytherin Common Room

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Olivia's POV

Godric the Weasley boys were dense. It wasn't like it was rocket science to not cheat on your girlfriend. Sure, nobody could control their feelings, and sometimes you couldn't even control your thoughts, but you could control your actions. I had known Charlie since we were young. He had been my first friend, and I never in a million years thought that he would do something like this. Then again, I hadn't expected Bill to cheat on me either.

But Charlie, Charlie was something different. He didn't hurt me, he hurt my best friend. My best friend-who was possibly pregnant with his child, and I would be damned if he got to do it again.

Now I sat in Claudia's personal common room where as soon as I entered, she impulsively placed a charm on the door to not allow Charlie to enter, and then proceeded to gather all of his stuff and place it just outside of the door before crumbling into a mess in my arms. I truly didn't understand how things went bad as fast as they did for her. At least with Bill, I knew that something wasn't right. We had been fighting, and while it still doesn't make it right, it was better than cheating on your possibly pregnant girlfriend who had just told you that she loved you.

I held Claudia tighter and she sniffled. "What time is it?" She asked me through tears, and I looked up at the clock on the wall. "12:15." I tell her and she drags her palm across her tear stained cheeks.

"Time to go to the hospital wing then?" I only nod, seeing as she doesn't really need an answer. Both of us know what time it is, and I help her up. Typically, when all four of us girls were together, I wouldn't be the one doing the comforting. That would be either Claudia or Skylar, while I impulsively beat someone's ass, and Lacey contemplated exactly how to hurt the guy the most effective way, all while supplying us with bottles of liquor true to her Slytherin form.

It was unusual for me to be so calm right now, but seeing as Claudia had been the one to pick up my pieces after Bill I felt it only fair that I do the same for her now, for the time being at least. When her back was turned I sent a Patronus to both Lacey and Skylar, and I didn't have a doubt in my mind that they were already on their way. 

Thankfully we made it to the hospital wing without crossing paths with anyone that we knew, but I didn't miss the sympathetic looks as we passed by others. No doubt the rumors had already started, and Charlie Weasley would be the least favorite child by the end of the night. It didn't matter what side you were on, nobody liked a cheater. Reluctantly, Claudia opened the door to the infirmary, and sighed.

I couldn't imagine how this must be for her, already feeling dejected, and then having to go to an appointment to see if she was pregnant without her potential baby's father.

"Oh, Claudia dear! I will be with you in just a moment, find a bed and relax." Madam Pomphrey said, glancing my best friend

"Yes, Ma'am." She said, finding the closest bed, and fidgeting with her hands in her lap.


Lacey's POV

The moment I get the Deerhound Patronus my broom is in my hand, and I stand up straight from my desk. The ministry can wait, Charlie Weasley is a bastard.

It doesn't take me long to track down Pansy, and when I do, she looks at me curiously. "Where are you going?" She asks. "We have a stack of paperwork the size of Big Ben to finish."

I shake my head. "Nope. Paperwork can wait. I'm going to Hogwarts." Knowing that I had been happy to get off the hook, and not have to go back, she sets her quill down. "What's wrong?"

"One of my best friends needs me. I haven't seen her in years, but still, if she sent a Patrounus, then I go. No questions asked."

Pansy nods. "Alright. I'll cover for you, don't come back until after Halloween, since you were going there anyway, but just so you know, I expect a vacation after this too." I laugh, and grip my broom tighter. "You got it."

Just as I'm about to leave, she stops me. "Take the floo. It's faster, and mine connects directly to the Slytherin common room."

I smile. I hadn't seen the common room since the war. Quickly, I pick up some of the powder and throw it down. "Slytherin common room!" And in a flash, Pansy disappears from my view.

It only takes a second for the stone walls to come into view and with them, is a startled looking girl sitting on the sofa, but I barrel past her, and rush out of the common room.

My feet run along the halls of Hogwarts as I make my way to the hospital wing. I don't stop, not even when I hear a confused, "Lacey?" Coming from my brother's mouth. Instead, I finally reach the infirmary and swing the doors open wide, my eyes making contact with Claudia and Olivia.

"Who are we destroying this time?" I shout and watch as Dia's eye's light up and she barrel's toward me, only to be joined a moment later by Via. We laugh, as we pile in together, until a voice intrudes the huddle.

"Well how rude, I wasn't expecting the hugging to start until I arrived." Skylar's familiar voice rings out, and we somehow end up piled on top of each other in the bed that Claudia had previously occupied, telling stories about our time away from each other, until Pomphrey finally makes her way over to us, and turns her attention to Claudia. 

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