48 | Bloody Hell Monica

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Here, have a good laugh before you start reading. - Enjoy!

Claudia's POV

I'm a bundle of nerves when my aunt Pomphrey turns her attention toward me. "What are you here for today, dear?" She asks me with a small smile, and I work up enough courage to speak. "I-" I look between my best friends and Skyla grabs my hand and squeezes.

I close my eyes, and then look back at my aunt. "I think I'm pregnant."

Her eyes widen for a fraction of a second before she console's herself. "Can I assume that Mr. Weasley would be the father, then?"

Slowly I nod my head, and she begins to back away from the bed. "Let me gather my kit, and I will be right back." It only took the women a total of fifteen minutes to gather everything she needed, but that time was enough for both Harry and Cash to pour into the room and find their place at my bedside, ignoring the looks that they were getting from my best friends. "Snod off Potter." Skyla said. "You don't have to involve yourself in everything you know."

He rolled his eyes at her. "As if I'd miss my chance to find out if I'm an uncle." Lacey snorted. "You're already becoming an uncle if you haven't noticed. Your girlfriend's brother is about to be a father."

Olivia rolled her eyes, as everyone flitted theirs to her for a fraction of a second. "Oh, honestly, it's not like I'm going to fall apart at the thought of Bill being a father. I could care less about proof that he and Fleur shagged. The only proof of shagging that I care about is Dia's." I place my hand on her's.

"We don't know if there is proof yet, anyway." Via rolled her eyes, playfully this time. "Yes well, did you know that my father wanted to call Harry, Elvendork Proof-that-lily-and-james-shagged Potter? Maybe I'll use that middle name for your baby, Dia."

I internally groan. "You don't even know if I am pregnant." Lacey snickers. "I bet five galleons that you are. Those Weasley's are as fertile as rabbits."

I fix a playful look on her. "You would know all about that, wouldn't you?"

She blushes slightly. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Right." I snort. "And I'm a muggle. At least now I know at least one of you isn't oblivious."

The others look at us curiously, just as madam Pomphrey makes her way back toward us. "Claudia, I'm going to need you to lean back, the rest of you, clear off the bed." Pomphrey glances at Skyla as she digs a cotton swab out of her bag and shoves it in my mouth. "Have you seen your mother yet, dear?"

Skyla shakes her head. "Well you should. She's been worried sick." Madam Pomphrey pulls the swab from my mouth and stirs it around in a potion before putting a lid on the container and shaking it up roughly, and handing it to me. Skyla nods, but she's ignored after Pomphreys comment.

"Just drink a tablespoon of this morning and night for a week after the morning sickness starts, and it will subdue the nausea." She says, and I look at her confused. "But-Aunt Pomphrey, am I pregnant?"

The older woman raises a brow. "You said you were here because you were pregnant." I shake my head. "I need to find out if I am pregnant."

"Well you most definitely are. If you forgot a contraption charm with a Weasley, then I have no doubt, but just for good measure, raise your shirt over your abdomen." I roll my eyes and do as she says.

Madam Pomphrey takes out her wand and presses the tip to my stomach. Both of my brothers lean forward as she mutters incantations. Finally, we watch as my abdomen glows a bright golden color, and then fades.

Lacey smirks and holds out her hand. "You owe me five galleons." I knocked her hand away playfully. "Make Charlie give it to you. After all, I have a feeling I'll be on my own with this."

Olivia's eyes darken and she looks at Lacey as she speaks to me. "I'll be damned if you do this alone. Charlie Weasley is going to pull his head out of his ass and one way or another."

I watch my best friends. Even though Olivia had been talking to me, it seemed that she and Lacey had a full conversation *in that time, as they both nodded their heads, and stood.

"Aye Potter!" Via calls when they're almost to the door. "We've got some ass kicking to do, you coming or what?" He looks to me, as if he's asking for permission, and I nod, as if to say, 'if you must', and he hops right out of the seat leaving me with Skyla and Cash.

A single tear rolls down my cheek as I pull my legs to my chest. "Bloody Hell." I whisper. "What am I going to do?"


Harry's POV

I have never been this angry at a Weasley in my life. Not when Percy betrayed his family, and not when Ron left Hermione and I in the woods. This was different. He had made my sister feel like shit, only an hour before she found him kissing another girl. And then to top it off, she found out she was pregnant with his child.

A small part of me hoped that Charlie would hide himself well, because I would hate to see Ginny's face when she finds out that I helped kick her brother's ass, but a larger part of me wants to find him. I haven't had a good anger release since the war, and I was also kind of excited to see Olivia knock some sense into him. Lacey-I think her name is-on the other hand, she looks more contemplative, and the fact that she appears so calm, almost scares me.

A flash of red hair catches my attention, and I turn my head quickly before realizing that it's only a child. Then my eyebrow's furrow. What is a child doing in Hogwarts? He looks to be only about four or five years old, so even if first years were welcome this year, he shouldn't be here.

Just as I'm about to make my revelation known, Olivia see's him too, and makes Lacey stop. Behind the boy is a blond woman arguing with non-other than Charlie. "Bloody Hell, Monica!" He shouts. "You have no right to just show up here. You probably just ruined everything good in my life!"

"Mummy, why is the man yelling?" The blond runs a hand along her face and looks up at the ceiling, before bending down to his height. "Brodey, that man is your father."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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