"However, if I turn out to be right. you owe me" I said
"I owe you nothing," He scoffed
"If I helped save the baby, I expect something in return. after all, no shit is for free" I said
Doctor Kai living comfortably and working in Town Hospital, kno...
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I stomped on the cigar as I finished it and went back inside the hospital making my way to the staff room. At this point I haven't slept in almost twenty four hours and needed something to keep me away. Nothing better than an ice cold shower. I entered the bathroom in the staff room which had stalls of showers just for the staff. I have finished my report and all I have to do is present my findings to Mister Hong, which is the meeting in an hour.
I got out of the shower with my phone ringing, I looked and it was Yeonjun
"Hello?" I picked up as I wrapped the towel around my body and headed to the locker room which had a door that connected to the showers
"Hey Junghae" Yeonjun answered "Are you free?"
"I have an hour until my meeting" I said sitting on the bench of the empty locker room
"Oh, I see" Yeonjun said "When will you be able to come to the City?"
"I'm in the middle of a high profile case. So depending on how it goes" I said
"This weekend? Will you be able to make it?" Yeonjun asked
"Yes" I said and with that he hung up. I wore my clothes and dried my hair. I was applying my lipstick finishing off my makeup when I heard the door outside open and slam shut making me jump. I opened the door of the women's closet room just enough for me to peek. That's when I saw Kai leaning against the wall with his head hanging low
"Kai" I called, making him look up. "Is everything okay?"
He pulled a tight smile on his face before slightly nodding. He pushed himself off the wall and made his way to me standing right infront of me. "Is there someone inside?"
"No. just me" I said, he chuckled, but something about it made me think that something was wrong. He gently pushed me inside inviting himself to the women's locker room
"Kai you shouldn't be here" I said, keeping the door open. Without saying a word he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his embrace. Placing his chin on top of my head
"Just stay still for a moment" He said, tightening his arms around me. It took me a moment but I wrapped my hands around his waist. His powdery fresh cologne filled my lungs instantly calming my nerves. We stood there in silence but it was a really relaxing one. One that I didn't realise I needed. I could hear his heartbeat as I laid my cheek on his chest.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I pulled away looking up at him, still holding him between my arms
"Uhm I'm okay" Kai said pulling off a not genuine smile
"Kai, what is going on?" I asked again. Kai looked down from my gaze and taking a deep breath before speaking
"three weeks ago a woman gave birth to her child, he had to be in the ICU due to heart complications. And he was put on life support since he was born. Yesterday I finalised my surgery plan and presented it to the parents but they seem hesitant about the surgery." Kai explained, my heart broke hearing what happened. I hated seeing Kai sad. It bothered me. "I tried explaining to them that this surgery can help the child to live, but they refuse to listen."